MS Degree Final Checklist Summary

Process for Continuing on to the PhD

By the end of the second year of study the student should request permission to pursue the PhD degree.  This request should be forwarded to the Graduate Coordinator, for consideration by the Graduate Studies Committee.  This request should include:

  1. A letter from the student describing graduate study plans
  2. A letter of support from the student’s advisor
  3. An updated transcript of graduate study

Three weeks before the defense:

___ Request Warrant. Provide working title of the thesis, committee member names and affiliation/rank, and expected defense date to Graduate Studies Coordinator at least three weeks before the scheduled date of the defense. This information will be used to request the appropriate warrant from the Graduate School.


At least one week before the defense:

___ Announce Defense. Notify the Graduate Studies Coordinator regarding the time and place of the defense at least one week before scheduled defense to allow for Department announcement. The student is free to personally announce the defense by other means.

___ Distribute Draft. Submit the final-draft copy of their thesis committee at least one week before the exam.


After the defense:

___ Warrant Completion. Pick up the warrant from the Kinesiology Graduate Studies Coordinator and after the defense, return the completed, signed warrant to the Graduate School (217 Bascom Hall). Before turning the warrant in to the graduate school, make and submit a copy the Kinesiology Graduate Studies Coordinator.

___ Deposit Thesis. Submit the final, unbound thesis to Memorial Library including the advisor approval page. Contact the Graduate Studies Coordinator for the advisor approval page.

___ Complete Graduate School Degree Completion Requirements. Complete all steps required by the Graduate School. These requirements and timelines/deadlines can be found here.


Kinesiology Graduate Student Handbook Copyright © by Graduate Studies Committee. All Rights Reserved.

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