

Embedded Sources

Several essays in this collection included embedded hyperlinks. For readers using a hardcopy of this reader, we provide a list below of each chapter’s embedded sources and the URL where you can find it.

Chapter 2: “Mujeres Talk about Ferguson, and Beyond”

  1. African American Policy Forum:  bit.ly/intaapf
  2. Blanca E. Vega’s recent blog on the Latino Rebels site:  http://bit.ly/lrsfpblc
  3. #blacklivesmatter: http://bit.ly/tfwhsblm
  4. “vivos se los llevaron…”: bit.ly/vsllyvlc
  5. “fue el estado”: bit.ly/zapwpfee
  6. #not1more deportation: bit.ly/notomdep
  7. Critical Resistance: bit.ly/crclrsc
  8. report: bit.ly/nomrdth
  9. Samir Chopra: bit.ly/tdspotp

Chapter 6: “Dear Latines: Your Antiblackness Will Not Save You”

  1. Whiteness: bit.ly/tccogzr
  2. Trayvon Martin: bit.ly/nbcgzng
  3. Philando Castile: bit.ly/voxpspc
  4. Andres Guardado: bit.ly/latcsag
  5. Godreau 2002: bit.ly/reaschgcsm
  6. Dinzey Flores 2013: bit.ly/dinflolilo
  7. Telles 2014: bit.ly/reaschgperc
  8. Reid Andrews 2016: bit.ly/utexdisra
  9. Rodríguez-Silva 2012: bit.ly/palgrrs
  10. Wade 2010: bit.ly/entutex
  11. Dzidzienyo et al 2005: bit.ly/palgrnenf
  12. Hernandez 2012: bit.ly/cambrrsla
  13. Mintz 1989: bit.ly/cartransf
  14. Wade 1997: bit.ly/raeila
  15. Torres and Whitten 1998: bit.ly/bilaatc
  16. Duany 1998: bit.ly/jstord1998
  17. Rivero 2002: bit.ly/sagerivero
  18. Bonilla Silva 2004: bit.ly/rwrcbrebo
  19. Too Black to be Latino/a: bit.ly/tbtblbab

Chapter 9: “Mexican Panda: My Short Life in Film School”

  1. Voces Primeras: bit.ly/vcsprs
  2. Mujeres de la Caucus Chicana: bit.ly/lmdlcc
  3. The Black Sheep Roundtable: bit.ly/yttbsr
  4. Chicana Por Mi Raza: bit.ly/cpmruthsocf

Chapter 10: “On the Colonial Legacy of U.S. Universities”

  1. University of Virginia Library Materials: bit.ly/uovedusi