
Embed image from Box into Canvas quiz

This brief walkthrough discusses how to embed a backup image hyperlink in a Canvas quiz question using Box.com. The resulting question will look something like this:

quiz question with image and hyperlink below it

Step 1: Upload images to Box folder

(1) Log into your UW-Madison Box.com account. From there, I recommend creating a centralized folder you can use to add images from a particular exam.

I also recommend sharing this folder with the other instructors or TAs you’re working with on this course so that they will have full editing access to the materials if they need them.



share box folder options
To share a Box folder with specific people, click the three-dot (“kebab”) icon to the right of the folder title, then click “share.”


(2) Once you’ve created the shared folder, drag the relevant image files into it.


Box folder with new file inside
Box will let you know when the file you’ve uploaded has gone through and ask you to refresh the page

Step 2: Enable shared link with limited download permissions

(1) Click on the “share” option. (You can do so either by clicking the three-dot menu dropdown or simply clicking the “share” button directly.) more options menu for Box files includes a Share option


Doing so will give you the option to turn on a “shared link is enabled” button. Below that button, you’ll see the option to configure additional settings. Click on the dropdown arrow next to “People with the link” “can view and download” and change it to “People with the link” “can view only.

viewer settings for shared link

Box will allow you to copy the relevant link. (For instance, my link in this example is as follows: https://uwmadison.box.com/s/b0mtqfyqs42zsxtme5duttsfvjpo3nxt).

Step 3: Include hyperlink as an alternative option in Canvas quiz

(1) When you’re editing a quiz question in Canvas, you’ll see an extended formatting pane. Once you’ve added the required image to the question by clicking on the image icon, add additional text below the question: “If the image above does not load in your browser, click here to see the photo in another tab.”

Quiz question with an image and below it: "If the image above does not load in your browser, click here to see the photo in another tab."

(2) Highlight the text you want students to click on, then click on the link button in the editor. Paste the shared link you created in Box into the resulting popup screen. Click “Insert link”

link to url icon in Canvas

add url to make hyperlink

(3) Make sure you save the question in Canvas! Your quiz question should now have a backup hyperlink students can use to access the image in question.


A Note About Quiz Moderation

This backup image link is one proactive step you can take to ensure that a documented issue with Canvas quiz images does not negatively impact students during exams.

It’s important to keep in mind that if a student clicks on this image link, Canvas’s quiz logs will register them doing so as an instance where that student “Stopped viewing the Canvas quiz-taking page.” Especially if you have a backup image link in your quiz, know that seeing a minute flagged as “Stopped viewing the Canvas quiz-taking page” in the Canvas quiz log does not necessarily signify that students were engaging in academic misconduct. It may simply mean that they clicked on the image display hyperlink you embedded into your quiz.


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Tiny Teaching Tools Copyright © by Naomi Salmon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.