
Using the Hypothes.is contribution sidebar

Comment in the margins

To contribute a comment in the margins of this guidebook, highlight a section of this page. You will see two options pop up next to your selection:

Click “Annotate!” If you don’t have a Hypothes.is account, you’ll be prompted to make one. (This is free.) Once you’ve entered your email and logged in, enter your comment, and then click “post to public.”

Hide the annotation pane

This right-hand annotation pane will appear by default, but should disappear when you click on any unhighlighted text within the main reading window. To hide or resize the annotation window, click the arrow icon to the left of the globe icon that says “Public.”

To see other comments once you have hidden the Hypothesis pane, click on any yellow-highlighted text on the screen.



I’ve contacted the Hypothes.is developer team to ask them more about the plugin’s relationship to screen-readers and other accessibility tools. I know that the team is working toward making sure that the resource meets W3 Accessibility guidelines, but recognize that as of 2016, the team was still working to implement a fix to ensure screen-reader compatibility.[1] I’ll update this page as soon as I learn more, but am also happy to communicate directly with anyone who has additional questions and concerns about this topic. (Feel free to contact me atĀ nsalmon [at] wisc.edu

Update (3.20.18) – The Hypothes.is developers have confirmed that they are in the process of working on an update to the app that will enable full screen-reader accessibility. While they weren’t able to provide me with a concrete time estimate for this version release, I’ll make sure to update this page with any other information I learn in the coming months. The developers encouraged anyone who has additional questions about this topic to share them in the Hypothesis Open Slack channel or to contact support@hypothes.is directly.

  1. One of the developers wrote a brief post on this subject here: "Towards Accessible Annotation: A Prototype and Some Questions."


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