
About the Project – (An Invitation)

Current Projects

The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins (Grangerized!)


The Woman in White (Grangerized) is the founding project of OPP19C. This volume contains the full transcription of The Woman in White as it first appeared in Charles Dickens’s All The Year Round in 1859-1860. One goal of this project is to invite participants to imagine the experience of Victorian readers inhabiting different social positions during the 1850s and 1860s. The primary source material is divided into the forty original serial installments of the novel and includes contextual essays about serial reading practices during the mid-1800s. These supplemental essays introduce readers to some of the key topics in Victorian media studies: serial publishing culture, the research implications of revised editions, and the ways in which social differences shaped readers’ encounters with fiction. This text also includes a series of prompts that invite participation in the margins of the e-text and in written engagement activities.

Because the project is freely shared and exportable in multiple formats—printable PDF and e-text among them—it can be used in a classroom setting in lieu of publisher-produced materials.[1] The potential for classroom engagement is one reason (among many) why we include Bloom’s Taxonomy-inspired “Participation Objectives” alongside each of the engagement activities in this text. We also provide information for instructors who may want to adopt this edition in their course or duplicate the project and remix it on their own.

  1. While we're more interested in the affordances than the affordability of this text, we're also committed to reducing students’ educational costs.


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The 19th-Century Open Pedagogy Project Copyright © by Naomi Salmon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.