
D2L Walkthrough

Building a quiz in Desire 2 Learn

The D2L quiz feature provides expansive customization options, many of which are only be useful to specific academic disciplines.  Therefore, this module will not in any way attempt to review the full number of quiz options available to you as a course instructor. It is designed to provide you with the essential tools to begin building quizzes in D2L. Links to additional detailed information will be included where appropriate.

 Two Ways to Start

We learn best through practice. As you walk through this guide, follow along on your own course page.  When you’ve finished, you will have learned the basic skills of quiz creation and also built your first fully-functional quiz! 

There are two different ways to build a quiz. Within a module in the Content section, or through the Manage Quizzes page.  The end result is the same, but each begin the process in slightly different fashions.

If you are building individual quizzes one at a time during the semester, it may be easier to create the quiz within the appropriate module. However, if you are building numerous quizzes all at once, it may be quicker to build your quizzes in the Manage Quizzes page and then add them to the appropriate module at a later time.

Either way you choose to build a quiz you need to give it a name and provide instructions. Providing your students with instructions is essential for student success. Your instructions should be to the point and should explain what material the quiz covers (i.e. “chapter 1,”or “The Napoleonic Revolutions”). They should also inform students as to the grade value of the quiz and an explanation of restrictions: such as a time limit, the date/time the quiz is due, and the minimum grade required (if any) to progress to the next module.

Create a New Quiz from the CONTENT Section

Step 1:


Step 2:


Step 3:


Building a Quiz from the Manage Quizzes Page

Step 1:


Step 2:


How to Add Questions to your Quiz

This section will show you how to create new questions.
To learn more about importing questions please click here. [1]

Any Quiz you make is actually just a container for a selection of questions from a quiz bank. We’ve just built the container (the Quiz), now we will begin filling it with questions. Once you’ve built your questions, you can always come back to this page to edit them at a later time.

Click Add/Edit Questions to begin building your questions.

Desire 2 Learn features many different question types, most of which can be set to be automatically graded.  Others however, such as long- and short-answer essays must be graded manually.


How to Create a New Quiz Question

Creating a new question is fairly straightforward, even if the D2L interface appears at first daunting.  Follow the steps below to build your first Multiple Choice Question

Step 1:


Step 2:


Step 3:


After you’ve create all the questions click Done Editing Questions

We have now filled our quiz container with questions. Finally, we need to tell D2L how the container and questions will interact with each other and with the student taking the quiz. We are ready to edit quiz settings.

When you edit quiz settings, you are basically providing the quiz with a list of instructions explaining how it should administer the test. These rules dictate when students can take the test, where their grades will go, and how students will receive feedback. As with the question editor, there are many different settings available to you. This guide will focus on only the most important.

How to Set Quiz Restrictions

The restrictions settings are very important to ensure students take the quiz at the appropriate time, provide special access to students with disabilities,  and to cut back on opportunities for cheating.

Click here for more detailed information on quiz restrictions.[2]


How to Set Assessment Settings

One of the advantages of having an online quiz is being able to auto grade, but to do so, you need to follow the following steps.  If you use question-types the program cannot grade (such as Long answer essays), these items will remain ungraded until you grade them manually, the rest of the quiz D2L will grade normally.


How to set the Submission View

The Submission View dictates what students will see after submitting the test, such as just the final score, or an explanation of each question and its answer.


After you’ve finished setting the Submission View, you’re quiz is ready for your students to take.


How to Make your Quiz Available to Students. 

If you built your quiz in the Content Page. Your quiz is now all ready.  If however, you’ve built your Quiz in the Quiz Page, follow these instructions below so your students can easily access it.


Congratulations! You’ve built your first quiz. . . though that quiz only has one question.
(psst . . You may want to add some more questions)

  1. https://kb.wisc.edu/page.php?id=18955
  2. https://kb.wisc.edu/page.php?id=2766


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Quizzing and Assessment Essentials Copyright © 2016 by Lane Sunwall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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