Unit 14: Subjunctive I
4. Other Uses of Subjunctive I
Sei and seien – “to let be”:
Es sei hier erwähnt, daß . . .
Let it be mentioned here, that . . .
[or:] Let us mention here that . . .
X und Y seien die Achsen des Umdrehungssphäroids.
Let X and Y be the axes of the rotational spheroid.
Recipes, directions (usually with the pronoun “man” as the subject):
Man koche ein Liter Wasser.
Boil a liter of water.
Man nehme ein Pfund Schokolade.
Take a pound of chocolate.
Wishes and exhortations:
Lang lebe die Königin.
Long live the Queen.
Er ruhe in Frieden.
May he rest in peace.