
Professor Karen Evans-Romaine - Lit Tran 205/Gender and Women’s Studies 205/Slavic 405

This resource models one way to explain expectations for student participation in class discussions. By providing these guidelines, Professor Karen Evans-Romaine outlines the purpose and value of class discussions for students and their learning in the course.

Ten percent of your grade will be based on your participation in class discussions. That will include your readiness to answer study questions I hand out in advance as well as additional questions I may ask in class about the readings, your ability to offer your own insights (both comments and questions) in class discussion, and your willingness to participate as part of a discussion group in class. It does not mean dominating discussions or interrupting others.

It does include attentiveness in listening to other class members and sensitivity and tact in responding to others’ comments and in expressing your own opinions. Class participation should help all of you develop more sophisticated interpretations of literary texts through the collective endeavor of discussion. Discussions should also help each of you formulate ideas for your papers; they provide a forum for you to think out loud and receive feedback from your instructor and your colleagues.