
The Anatomy of A Well-Designed Writing Assignment

Kathleen Daly - Writing Across the Curriculum

Below, we have annotated one effective writing assignment to help you make better use of the information you’ve learned so far and more easily extrapolate ideas from the variety of sample assignments found in this Pressbook.

This writing assignment below comes from Professor Stephen Young’s International Studies course. We have broken down some key characteristics that make this writing assignment successful and have included brief explanations of why and how these characteristics are useful.

We would be happy to consult with you about how to customize an assignment or pedagogical strategy to fit your course!

Text and annotations for an assignment called The World Bank Letter. Annotations point out how the assignment features the following elements for students' benefit: a clear central task; specific learning goals; models for how to write in this particular rhetorical context; explanation of evaluation criteria; grading rubric; clear alignment among learning goals, evaluation criteria, and rubric.