
Multimodal Writing Assignments

Introduction to Multimodality

Multimodality is the use of more than one mode or format in a piece of communication. When designing writing assignments for a course, instructors should consider what mode or modes of composition best meet the assignment goals. Audio, video, languages, visuals, interactive elements, and text are some examples of modes that can come together to create a multimodal piece.

In the classroom, multimodal writing assignments can offer diverse ways for students to engage with course material and share their own ideas. Multimodal assignments ask students to apply multiple literacy skills—such as language, digital, visual, and auditory literacies—to create a text. Multimodal coursework can encourage students to engage with language, writing, and course materials with dynamic critical thinking. For support with developing multimedia assignments, in addition to contacting the WAC team, you may wish to contact UW-Madison’s DesignLab, the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Mentoring, or the L&S Instructional Design Collaborative.