Book Title: Process of Science Companion: Science Communication
Subtitle: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Biology Core Curriculum (Biocore)

Book Description: The Process of Science Companion is composed of the following books: Science Communication, and Data Analysis, Statistics, and Experimental Design. These resources provide support for students doing independent research.
Book Information
Book Description
The Process of Science Companion is composed of the following books: Science Communication, and Data Analysis, Statistics, and Experimental Design. These resources provide support for students doing independent research.
Book Source
This book is a cloned version of Process of Science Companion Vol. 1 by UW-Madison Biocore Program, published using Pressbooks by L&S Learning Support Services, UW-Madison under a CC BY (Attribution) license. It may differ from the original.
Process of Science Companion: Science Communication Copyright © 2017 by University of Wisconsin-Madison Biology Core Curriculum (Biocore) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Biology, life sciences