Resume Checklist

Use this checklist to assess the quality of your resume. You will want to answer “Yes” to as many questions as possible to ensure you are submitting a high-quality application.

Layout, Appearance, & Grammar

  • Is your name at the top bolded and at least two font sizes larger than the rest of your text?
Yes No
  • Is your contact info included (address, phone number, email, portfolio/LinkedIn)?
Yes No
  • Is your resume an appropriate length (1 page for undergraduates)?
Yes No
  • Are the margins acceptable and consistent throughout (0.5” – 1”)?
Yes No
  • Is the resume visually appealing? Is it easy to scan and evenly spaced?
Yes No
  • Is the resume in a legible font, set to 10-12pt size?
Yes No
  • Is the formatting consistent throughout (i.e., use of bold, bullet type, heading styles, etc.)?
Yes No
  • Are the correct verb tenses used (i.e., present tense for current jobs, past tense for previous jobs)?
Yes No
  • Did you avoid using first-person language (i.e., I, me, my, etc.)?
Yes No
  • Is your resume free from spelling and grammatical errors?
Yes No

Education Section

  • Is the institution name written correctly (i.e., University of Wisconsin – Madison)?
Yes No
  • Did you include the location of the institution (City and State)?
Yes No
  • Is your degree included and listed correctly (Bachelor of Science)?
Yes No
  • Is your major included and listed correctly?
Yes No
  • Did you include any certificates you are pursuing correctly, if applicable?
Yes No
  • Is your study abroad institution included and listed in the same format as the UW, if applicable?
Yes No
  • Did you include the GPA scale (i.e., 3.21/4.0)?
Yes No

Experience Section(s)

  • Is at least one category heading tailored to your industry (e.g., Financial Services Experience)?
Yes No
  • Did you list your experiences in reverse chronological order (most recent first) in each section  
Yes No
  • Does each experience contain the organization name, location, position title, dates, and bullets
Yes No
  • Are there 2-5 bulleted statements per experience?
Yes No
  • Do all statements demonstrate skills and accomplishments rather than routine tasks or duties
Yes No
  • Do each of your bullet points start with a strong action verb that markets your skills
Yes No
  • Did you quantify results (i.e., use numbers) whenever possible?
Yes No
  • Did you highlight the most relevant experience as it relates to the position you are applying for first?
Yes No

Additional Things to Consider

  • Have you had your resume reviewed by others, including a career advisor?
Yes No
  • Have you saved your document as a PDF file to send out to preserve the formatting?
Yes No
  • Did you refrain from using a resume wizard or template?     
Yes No
  • Is your resume style appropriate for the industry to which you are applying?
Yes No

Click here to access a ‘checkable’ resume checklist pdf


School of Human Ecology Undergraduate Career Guide Copyright © by University of Wisconsin-Madison's School of Human Ecology Advising & Career Center. All Rights Reserved.

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