Cover Letter Checklist

Use this checklist to assess the quality of your cover letter. You will want to answer “Yes” to as many questions as possible to ensure you are submitting a high-quality application.


Layout, Appearance, & Grammar

  • Is your contact information listed at the top of the page in the same way it is on your resume?
□ Yes □ No
  • Did you include the date you wrote the letter?
□ Yes □ No
  • Did you include the contact information of the hiring manager/company?
□ Yes □ No
  • Is the salutation addressed to the hiring contact? Or, “Dear Hiring Manager,” if unknown?
□ Yes □ No
  • Is the letter an appropriate length (typically 3-4 paragraphs and 1 page long)?
□ Yes □ No
  • Does the font, style, and paper quality match that of your resume?
□ Yes □ No
  • Does the letter have a balance of white space throughout?
□ Yes □ No
  • Did you use block format (i.e., paragraphs not indented with one space between paragraphs)?
□ Yes □ No
  • Did you limit the amount of sentences that begin with “I” as a way to vary your writing?
□ Yes □ No
  • Did you avoid using contractions (i.e., I’ve, didn’t, it’s, etc.) to maintain a professional tone?
□ Yes □ No

First Paragraph

  • Do you clearly state the specific position you are applying for?
□ Yes □ No
  • Did you indicate how you found out about the position?
□ Yes □ No
  • Did you make a connection to the organization/role of why you are interested?
□ Yes □ No
  • Did you briefly summarize why you are qualified before leading into the body paragraph(s)?
□ Yes □ No

Body Paragraph(s)

  • Is your letter tailored to the organization, demonstrating you have done your research?
□ Yes □ No
  • Did you describe what you can contribute to the organization (i.e., skills, experience, etc.)?
□ Yes □ No
  • Does your letter focus on what you can do for the organization, not what they can do for you?
□ Yes □ No
  • Did you use specific examples of how your skills and experience will benefit the organization?
□ Yes □ No
  • Does the info in the letter intrigue the employer by providing more detail than your resume?
□ Yes □ No
  • Is there a logical flow to your information (i.e. separate paragraphs for education vs. experience)?
□ Yes □ No
  • Do your statements demonstrate enthusiasm for and interest in the position?
□ Yes □ No
  • Did you highlight your unique or most significant qualifications and not just list all relevant skills?
□ Yes □ No

Closing Paragraph & Salutation

  • Did you reiterate your excitement for and interest in the specific position you are applying for?
□ Yes □ No
  • Did you express your interest in the opportunity to interview?
□ Yes □ No
  • Did you thank the reader for their time in considering you as an applicant?
□ Yes □ No
  • Did you include a closing phrase such as Sincerely, Best Regards, etc.?
□ Yes □ No
  • Are there blank lines below the closing phrase, allowing space for a written or typed signature?
□ Yes □ No
  • Did you remember to sign the letter (using an e-signature is fine)?
□ Yes □ No
  • Did you include your typed name below your signature?
□ Yes □ No

Click here to access a ‘checkable’ cover letter checklist pdf


School of Human Ecology Undergraduate Career Guide Copyright © by University of Wisconsin-Madison's School of Human Ecology Advising & Career Center. All Rights Reserved.

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