
Theme 3: Reveal Systems

In good learning experiences, empowered learners will explore and work on authentic, well-constructed problems, and through that exploration, they will learn the underlying systems in play.

Reveal Systems Principles

  • System Thinking: help learners find and expose underlying systems and assumptions that demystify problem-spaces.
  • Meaning as Action or Image: teach that knowledge is built through active use and reconstruction that varies depending on the situation.

How to Deepen Learning

  1. Ask students to find and share methods, shortcuts, and “cheats” for solving problems, recognizing that these expose systems.
  2. As an alternative to “save the world” problems, assign students to also find dystopic solutions, as these help expose systemic problems (i.e. use the rules of the system to wreck things — in models and thought-pieces).
  3. Assign roles (e.g. hero/villain, design/engineering/marketing/ nance, etc.) and have students explore and solve problems from various perspectives to better understand multi-dimensionality of systems.
  4. Share (and solicit finding/sharing by students) examples from current media of negotiating assumptions and systems.
  5. What other strategies can Canvas aid with?


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