
Part IV. Games on networks

IV-4. Other ways of computing payoffs and other decision rules

1. Goal

Our goal in this chapter is to extend the model we have created in the previous chapter by adding two features that can have a major impact on the dynamics of evolutionary models run on networks:

  • The possibility to model different ways of computing payoffs. In our current model, agents obtain their payoffs by playing with one of their neighbors, chosen at random. This means that every agent obtains just one payoff, regardless of their network degree. In this chapter we will allow for the possibility that agents play with all their neighbors. When agents play with all their neighbors, they may consider the average payoff or, alternatively, the total (accumulated) payoff.
  • The possibility to model other decision rules besides the imitate if better rule. In particular, we will implement all the decision rules we implemented in chapter III-4 for games played on grids.

2. Motivation. Cooperation on scale-free networks

In a series of highly-cited papers, Santos, Pacheco and colleagues (Santos and Pacheco (2005, 2006); Santos et al. (2006a, 2006b)) showed that scale-free networks can greatly promote cooperation in the Prisoner’s Dilemma (figure 1).

Fig. 1. A preferential attachment network where hubs are cooperating (green)

In their model, agents play with all their neighbors and their payoff is the total (accumulated) payoff over all their interactions in the tick. In this chapter we are going to extend our model so we can replicate some of their results and check their robustness to different factors. Let’s do it!

3. Description of the model

The model we are going to develop here is a generalization of the model implemented in the previous chapter. In particular, we are going to add the following three parameters:

  • play-with. This parameter is used to determine how agents’ payoffs are computed in each tick. It will be implemented with a chooser, with three possible values:
    • one-random-nbr“: agents play with one of their neighbors chosen at random.
    • all-nbrs-AVG-payoff“: agents play with all their neighbors and use the average payoff.
    • all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff“: agents play with all their neighbors and use the total (accumulated) payoff.
  • decision-rule. This parameter determines the decision rule that agents will follow to update their strategies, just like in the model we developed in chapter III-4. Note that all decision rules use the agents’ payoffs, and these are computed following the method prescribed by parameter play-with. Parameter decision-rule will be implemented with a chooser, with six possible values:
  • m. This is the parameter that controls the intensity of selection in decision rules imitative-positive-proportional-m and Fermi-m (see description in chapter III-4).

Everything else stays as described in the previous chapter.

4. Interface design

We depart from the model we developed in the previous chapter (so if you want to preserve it, now is a good time to duplicate it).

Figure 2. Interface design

The new interface (see figure 2 above) includes:

  • One chooser for new parameter play-with (with possible values “one-random-nbr“, “all-nbrs-AVG-payoff” and “all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff“).
  • One chooser for new parameter decision-rule (with possible values “best-neighbor“, “imitate-if-better“, “imitative-pairwise-difference“, “imitative-positive-proportional-m“, “Fermi-m” and “Santos-Pacheco“).
  •  A slider for parameter m (with minimum = 0 and increment = 0.1).

5. Code

5.1. Skeleton of the code

The main changes we will make to our model will take place in procedures to update-payoff and to update-strategy-after-revision. We will also modify other procedures such as to go, to setup-payoffs, and to setup-players, but those changes will be less significant. The skeleton of procedure to go is shown in figure 3.

Figure 3. Skeleton of procedure to go. The dashed green rectangle highlights the main addition in the code. The dashed blue rectangles highlight the main modifications in the code

5.2. Extension I. Different ways of computing payoffs

To implement different ways of computing payoffs, we should modify to update-payoff, so it runs a different procedure depending on the value of parameter play-with, as shown in figure 4.

Figure 4. Calls to other procedures from procedure to update-payoff

Given the names we have chosen for the new procedures to be implemented (to play-with-one-random-nbr, to play-with-all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff and to play-with-all-nbrs-AVG-payoff), the new code for procedure to update-payoff is particularly simple:

to update-payoff
  if any? link-neighbors [
    run (word "play-with-" play-with)

To fully understand the code above, note that if the value of parameter play-with is “one-random-nbr“, then the code:

    (word "play-with-" play-with)

will report the string “play-with-one-random-nbr”.

Therefore, the code:

run (word "play-with-" play-with)

will run procedure to play-with-one-random-nbr, as desired.

Now we can implement the new payoff-computing procedures. The first one, to play-with-one-random-nbr, is not particularly difficult having seen the previous implementation of to update-payoff. Can you try to do it?

Implementation of procedure to play-with-one-random-nbr

Yes, well done!

to play-with-one-random-nbr
    let mate one-of link-neighbors
    set payoff item ([strategy] of mate) (item strategy payoff-matrix)

Let us now implement to play-with-all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff. For this one, looking at the implementation of procedure to play in the model we developed in chapter III-4 will be very useful. Note, however, that in our new model we are not going to allow agents to play with themselves, so the variable named my-coplayers will have to be replaced by a Netlogo primitive. Can you give it a try?

Implementation of procedure to play-with-all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff


to play-with-all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff
  let n-of-coplayers-with-strategy-? n-values n-of-strategies [ i ->
    count link-neighbors with [strategy = i] ]
  let my-payoffs (item strategy payoff-matrix)
  set payoff sum (map * my-payoffs n-of-coplayers-with-strategy-?)

Finally, let us implement to play-with-all-nbrs-AVG-payoff. To do this, it is very tempting to start by copying and pasting the code of procedure to play-with-all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff but please, don’t do it! Duplicating code is not good practice because it makes the process of detecting and fixing errors much harder, and leads to code that is difficult to read and maintain. Can you implement procedure to play-with-all-nbrs-AVG-payoff without rewriting any of the code written in procedure to play-with-all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff?

Implementation of procedure to play-with-all-nbrs-AVG-payoff

If you did this correctly, you do deserve a medal right now!

to play-with-all-nbrs-AVG-payoff
  set payoff (payoff / count link-neighbors)

With this, we have finished the implementation of the first extension to the model.

5.3. Extension II. Different decision rules

The implementation of the decision rule takes place in procedure to update-strategy-after-revision, so we will have to modify its code. Just like we did in chapter III-4, we will make the implementation of decision rules elegant and modular by coding a different procedure for each decision rule and by dealing with noise in a unified way. Figure 5 shows the skeleton of our new procedure to update-strategy-after-revision.

Figure 5. Calls to other procedures from procedure to update-strategy-after-revision

Given the skeleton shown in figure 5 and bearing in mind how we use NetLogo primitive run in our current implementation of procedure to update-payoff, can you venture a simple implementation for our new procedure to update-strategy-after-revision?

Implementation of procedure to update-strategy-after-revision
to update-strategy-after-revision
  ifelse random-float 1 < noise
    [ set strategy-after-revision (random n-of-strategies) ]
    [ if any? link-neighbors [run (word decision-rule "-rule")] ]

Now we just have to implement the procedures for each of the six decision rules. This should be relatively easy given that we have implemented very similar rules in chapter III-4, but we have to keep in mind that:

  • now the agents’ payoffs may come in three different flavors, depending on the value of parameter play-with, and
  • the set of neighbors in our network model is the set of link-neighbors.

Let us start with procedure to best-neighbor-rule. It will be useful to look at our implementation of this rule for games played on grids. Just like we did in that model, you may want to define a new individually-owned variable named my-nbrs-and-me (and set its value at procedure to setup-players).

Implementation of procedure to best-neighbor-rule

We start by defining the new players-own variable my-nbrs-and-me.

players-own [
  my-nbrs-and-me  ;; <== new line

Then, we set its value at procedure to setup-players.

to setup-players
  ifelse n-of-players < 4
    [ user-message "There should be at least 4 players" ]
      ask players [set strategy -1]
      let i 0
      foreach initial-distribution [ j ->
        ask up-to-n-of j players with [strategy = -1] [
          set payoff 0
          set strategy i
          set strategy-after-revision strategy
          set my-nbrs-and-me                    ;; <== new line
               (turtle-set link-neighbors self) ;; <== new line
        set i (i + 1)
      set n-of-players count players

Once this is done, we can just copy our implementation of this rule for games played on grids.

to best-neighbor-rule
  set strategy-after-revision 
      [strategy] of one-of my-nbrs-and-me with-max [payoff]

Note that this code will work correctly no matter how payoffs are computed.

To implement procedure to imitate-if-better-rule, our implementation of procedure to imitate-if-better-all-nbrs-rule for games played on grids will be useful, but we have to keep in mind that the computation of agents’ payoffs is now taken care at procedure to update-payoff, so players-own variable payoff always contains the right value of the payoff (i.e., computed according to the value of parameter play-with).

Implementation of procedure to imitate-if-better-rule
to imitate-if-better-rule
  let observed-player one-of link-neighbors
  if ([payoff] of observed-player) > payoff [
    set strategy-after-revision ([strategy] of observed-player)

The implementation of procedure to imitative-pairwise-difference-rule is similar to the one we did for games played on grids but we have to bear in mind that the payoff in our model could now come from playing just once or from playing several times. Thus, we will have to think carefully about how to set the value of the maximum payoff difference.

Implementation of procedure to imitative-pairwise-difference-rule

A possible implementation of this procedure is as follows:

to imitative-pairwise-difference-rule
  let observed-player one-of link-neighbors

  ;; compute difference in payoffs
  let payoff-diff ([payoff] of observed-player - payoff)

  set strategy-after-revision ifelse-value 
    (random-float 1 < (payoff-diff / max-payoff-difference))
      [ [strategy] of observed-player ]
      [ strategy ]
    ;; If your strategy is the better, payoff-diff is negative,
    ;; so you are going to stick with it.
    ;; If it's not, you switch with probability
    ;; (payoff-diff / max-payoff-difference)

Recall that the value of max-payoff-difference has to be set so the quotient (payoff-diff / max-payoff-difference) does not exceed 1, i.e. max-payoff-differencepayoff-diff. The problem is that the maximum value of payoff-diff now depends on how payoffs are computed.

Let max-payoff-difference-in-matrix be the maximum payoff difference in the payoff matrix. If agents play once (play-with = “one-random-nbr“) or their payoff is an average (play-with = “all-nbrs-AVG-payoff“), then payoff-diffmax-payoff-difference-in-matrix. However, if agents use the total payoff (play-with = “all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff“), then the maximum value of payoff-diff can well be greater than max-payoff-difference-in-matrix. In that case, the maximum value of payoff-diff could be up to max-payoff-difference-in-matrix * max-n-of-nbrs-of-each-player, where max-n-of-nbrs-of-each-player is the maximum degree in the network.

Given all this, we should define global variables max-payoff-difference-in-matrix, max-payoff-difference and max-n-of-nbrs-of-each-player, and set their values accordingly.

globals [

  max-payoff-difference-in-matrix ;; <== new line
  max-payoff-difference           ;; <== new line
  max-n-of-nbrs-of-each-player    ;; <== new line

Now we should set the value of these new global variables. Let us start with the easiest one: max-n-of-nbrs-of-each-player. This value is already computed at procedure to plot-accessibility. The only change we have to make is to replace let with set, since this variable is now global (because we want to read it from anywhere in the code).

to plot-accessibility
  let steps link-radius
  if link-radius = "Infinity" [set steps (n-of-players - 1)]
  let n-of-nbrs-of-each-player 
    [(count nw:turtles-in-radius steps) - 1] of players

  ;; modified line below (let -> set)
  set max-n-of-nbrs-of-each-player max n-of-nbrs-of-each-player
  set-current-plot "Neighbors within link-radius" 
  set-plot-x-range 0 (max-n-of-nbrs-of-each-player + 1) 
                    ;; + 1 to make room for the width of the last bar 
  histogram n-of-nbrs-of-each-player  

  set avg-nbrs-within-radius mean n-of-nbrs-of-each-player 

The best place to set the value of max-payoff-difference-in-matrix, is at procedure to update-payoff.

to setup-payoffs
  set payoff-matrix read-from-string payoffs
  set n-of-strategies length payoff-matrix
  ;; new lines below
  set max-payoff-difference-in-matrix
     (max-of-matrix payoff-matrix) - (min-of-matrix payoff-matrix)

Note that we have to include the definition of two new procedures to compute the minimum and the maximum value of a matrix:

;;; Matrices ;;;
to-report max-of-matrix [matrix]
  report max reduce sentence matrix
to-report min-of-matrix [matrix]
  report min reduce sentence matrix

Finally, let us set the value of max-payoff-difference in a new procedure created for that purpose.

to update-max-payoff-difference
  set max-payoff-difference
    max-payoff-difference-in-matrix *
      ifelse-value play-with = "all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff"

Once this procedure has been implemented, we can call it from to go to make sure that the value of max-payoff-difference is updated if the user changes the way payoffs are computed at runtime.

to go
  update-max-payoff-difference  ;; <== new line

  ask players [update-payoff]
  ask players [
    if (random-float 1 < prob-revision) [
  ask players [update-strategy]



To implement procedure to imitative-positive-proportional-m-rule, we can use the code we wrote for games played on grids, but before we should include the extension rnd at the beginning of our code

extensions [nw rnd]
Implementation of procedure to imitative-positive-proportional-m-rule
to imitative-positive-proportional-m-rule
  let chosen-nbr rnd:weighted-one-of my-nbrs-and-me [ payoff ^ m ]
  set strategy-after-revision [strategy] of chosen-nbr

To avoid errors when payoffs are negative, we will include procedure to check-payoffs-are-non-negative, just like we did in the model for games played on grids.

to check-payoffs-are-non-negative
  if min reduce sentence payoff-matrix < 0 [
    user-message (word
      "Since you are using decision-rule =\n"
      "all elements in the payoff matrix\n"
      "\nshould be non-negative numbers.")

An appropriate place to call this procedure would be at the end of procedure to setup-payoffs, which would then be as follows:

to setup-payoffs
  set payoff-matrix read-from-string payoffs
  set n-of-strategies length payoff-matrix
  ;; new lines below
  set max-payoff-difference 
     (max-of-matrix payoff-matrix) - (min-of-matrix payoff-matrix)
  if decision-rule = "imitative-positive-proportional-m" 
     [ check-payoffs-are-non-negative ]

Feel free to implement procedure to Fermi-m-rule by yourself, looking at our previous implementation.

Implementation of procedure to Fermi-m-rule

A possible implementation of this procedure is as follows:

to Fermi-m-rule
  let observed-player one-of link-neighbors

  ;; compute difference in payoffs 
  let payoff-diff ([payoff] of observed-player - payoff)

  set strategy-after-revision ifelse-value 
    (random-float 1 < (1 / (1 + exp (- m * payoff-diff))))
      [ [strategy] of observed-player ]
      [ strategy ]

Finally, looking at the description of “Santos-Pacheco” rule, please try to implement procedure to Santos-Pacheco-rule.

Implementation of procedure to Santos-Pacheco-rule

A possible implementation of this procedure is as follows:

to Santos-Pacheco-rule
  let observed-player one-of link-neighbors

  ;; compute difference in payoffs
  let payoff-diff ([payoff] of observed-player - (payoff))

  let degree count link-neighbors
  let degree-of-observed-player
      [count link-neighbors] of observed-player

  set strategy-after-revision ifelse-value
    (random-float 1 < (payoff-diff / (max-payoff-difference-in-matrix *
       max (list degree degree-of-observed-player))))
        [ [strategy] of observed-player ]
        [ strategy ]

With this, we have finished the implementation of the second extension to the model.

5.4. Complete code in the Code tab

We have finished our model!

extensions [nw rnd]

globals [


  max-payoff-difference-in-matrix ;; <== new line
  max-payoff-difference           ;; <== new line
  max-n-of-nbrs-of-each-player    ;; <== new line

breed [players player]

players-own [

  my-nbrs-and-me ;; <== new line

;;; SETUP ;;;

to setup

to setup-payoffs
  set payoff-matrix read-from-string payoffs
  set n-of-strategies length payoff-matrix

  ;; new lines below
  set max-payoff-difference-in-matrix
     (max-of-matrix payoff-matrix) - (min-of-matrix payoff-matrix)
  if decision-rule = "imitative-positive-proportional-m"
     [ check-payoffs-are-non-negative ]

to setup-players
  let initial-distribution
      read-from-string n-of-players-for-each-strategy

  if length initial-distribution != length payoff-matrix [
    user-message (word "The number of items in\n"
      "n-of-players-for-each-strategy (i.e. "
      length initial-distribution "):\n"
      "\nshould be equal to the number of rows\n"
      "in the payoff matrix (i.e. "
      length payoff-matrix "):\n"

  set n-of-players sum initial-distribution
  ifelse n-of-players < 4
    [ user-message "There should be at least 4 players" ]

      ask players [set strategy -1]
      let i 0
      foreach initial-distribution [ j ->
        ask up-to-n-of j players with [strategy = -1] [
          set payoff 0
          set strategy i
          set strategy-after-revision strategy
          set my-nbrs-and-me                    ;; <== new line
               (turtle-set link-neighbors self) ;; <== new line
        set i (i + 1)

      set n-of-players count players


to build-network
  set-default-shape players "circle"
  run (word "build-" network-model "-network")
  ask players [fd 15]

to build-Erdos-Renyi-network
  nw:generate-random players links n-of-players prob-link

to build-Watts-Strogatz-small-world-network
 nw:generate-watts-strogatz players links n-of-players 
    (avg-degree-small-world / 2) prob-rewiring

to build-preferential-attachment-network
  nw:generate-preferential-attachment players links n-of-players 

to build-ring-network
  nw:generate-ring players links n-of-players

to build-star-network
  nw:generate-star players links n-of-players

to build-grid-4-nbrs-network
  let players-per-line (floor sqrt n-of-players)
  nw:generate-lattice-2d players links 
     players-per-line players-per-line false

to build-wheel-network
  nw:generate-wheel players links n-of-players

to build-path-network
  ask one-of links [die]

;;; GO ;;;

to go
  update-max-payoff-difference   ;; <== new line
  ask players [update-payoff]
  ask players [
    if (random-float 1 < prob-revision) [
  ask players [update-strategy]




to update-payoff
  if any? link-neighbors [
    run (word "play-with-" play-with)

to play-with-one-random-nbr
    let mate one-of link-neighbors
    set payoff item ([strategy] of mate) (item strategy payoff-matrix)

to play-with-all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff
  let n-of-coplayers-with-strategy-? n-values n-of-strategies [ i ->
    count link-neighbors with [strategy = i] ]
  let my-payoffs (item strategy payoff-matrix)
  set payoff sum (map * my-payoffs n-of-coplayers-with-strategy-?)

to play-with-all-nbrs-AVG-payoff
  set payoff (payoff / count link-neighbors)

to update-max-payoff-difference
  set max-payoff-difference
    max-payoff-difference-in-matrix *
      ifelse-value play-with = "all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff"

to update-strategy-after-revision
  ifelse random-float 1 < noise
    [ set strategy-after-revision (random n-of-strategies) ]
    [ if any? link-neighbors [run (word decision-rule "-rule")] ]

to best-neighbor-rule
  set strategy-after-revision [strategy] of
      one-of my-nbrs-and-me with-max [payoff]

to imitate-if-better-rule
  let observed-player one-of link-neighbors
  if ([payoff] of observed-player) > payoff [
    set strategy-after-revision ([strategy] of observed-player)

to imitative-pairwise-difference-rule
  let observed-player one-of link-neighbors


  ;; compute difference in payoffs
  let payoff-diff ([payoff] of observed-player - payoff)


  set strategy-after-revision ifelse-value
    (random-float 1 < (payoff-diff / max-payoff-difference))
      [ [strategy] of observed-player ]
      [ strategy ]
    ;; If your strategy is the better, payoff-diff is negative,
    ;; so you are going to stick with it.
    ;; If it's not, you switch with probability
    ;; (payoff-diff / max-payoff-difference)

to imitative-positive-proportional-m-rule
  let chosen-nbr rnd:weighted-one-of my-nbrs-and-me [ payoff ^ m ]
  set strategy-after-revision [strategy] of chosen-nbr

to Fermi-m-rule
  let observed-player one-of link-neighbors

  ;; compute difference in payoffs
  let payoff-diff ([payoff] of observed-player - payoff)

  set strategy-after-revision ifelse-value
    (random-float 1 < (1 / (1 + exp (- m * payoff-diff))))
      [ [strategy] of observed-player ]
      [ strategy ]

to Santos-Pacheco-rule
  let observed-player one-of link-neighbors

  ;; compute difference in payoffs
  let payoff-diff ([payoff] of observed-player - (payoff))

  let degree count link-neighbors
  let degree-of-observed-player
      [count link-neighbors] of observed-player

  set strategy-after-revision ifelse-value
    (random-float 1 < (payoff-diff / (max-payoff-difference-in-matrix *
       max (list degree degree-of-observed-player))))
        [ [strategy] of observed-player ]
        [ strategy ]

to update-strategy
  set strategy strategy-after-revision

;;; PLOTS ;;;

to setup-graph
  set-current-plot "Strategy Distribution"
  foreach (range n-of-strategies) [ i ->
    create-temporary-plot-pen (word i)
    set-plot-pen-mode 1
    set-plot-pen-color 25 + 40 * i

to update-graph
  let strategy-numbers (range n-of-strategies)
  let strategy-frequencies map [ n ->
        count players with [strategy = n] / n-of-players
      ] strategy-numbers

  set-current-plot "Strategy Distribution"
  let bar 1
  foreach strategy-numbers [ n ->
    set-current-plot-pen (word n)
    plotxy ticks bar
    set bar (bar - (item n strategy-frequencies))
  set-plot-y-range 0 1

to update-players-color
  ask players [set color 25 + 40 * strategy]


to compute-network-metrics

to plot-accessibility
  let steps link-radius
  if link-radius = "Infinity" [set steps (n-of-players - 1)]
  let n-of-nbrs-of-each-player 
    [(count nw:turtles-in-radius steps) - 1] of players

  ;; modified line below (let -> set)
  set max-n-of-nbrs-of-each-player max n-of-nbrs-of-each-player
  set-current-plot "Neighbors within link-radius"
  set-plot-x-range 0 (max-n-of-nbrs-of-each-player + 1)
                     ;; + 1 to make room for the width of the last bar
  histogram n-of-nbrs-of-each-player

  set avg-nbrs-within-radius mean n-of-nbrs-of-each-player

to compute-avg-clustering-coefficient
  set avg-clustering-coefficient  
      mean [ nw:clustering-coefficient ] of players

to compute-size-of-largest-component
  set size-of-largest-component max map count nw:weak-component-clusters

;;; LAYOUT ;;;

;; Procedures taken from Wilensky's (2005a) NetLogo Preferential 
;; Attachment model  
;; http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/PreferentialAttachment 
;; and Wilensky's (2005b) Mouse Drag One Example 
;; http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/MouseDragOneExample
to relax-network
  ;; the number 3 here is arbitrary; more repetitions slows down the
  ;; model, but too few gives poor layouts
  repeat 3 [
    ;; the more players we have to fit into
    ;; the same amount of space, the smaller
    ;; the inputs to layout-spring we'll need to use
    let factor sqrt count players
    ;; numbers here are arbitrarily chosen for pleasing appearance
    layout-spring players links
                  (1 / factor) (7 / factor) (3 / factor)
    display  ;; for smooth animation
  ;; don't bump the edges of the world
  let x-offset max [xcor] of players + min [xcor] of players
  let y-offset max [ycor] of players + min [ycor] of players
  ;; big jumps look funny, so only adjust a little each time
  set x-offset limit-magnitude x-offset 0.1
  set y-offset limit-magnitude y-offset 0.1
  ask players [ setxy (xcor - x-offset / 2) (ycor - y-offset / 2) ]

to-report limit-magnitude [number limit]
  if number > limit [ report limit ]
  if number < (- limit) [ report (- limit) ]
  report number

to drag-and-drop
  if mouse-down? [
    let candidate min-one-of players
        [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor]
    if [distancexy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor] of candidate < 1 [
    ;; The WATCH primitive puts a "halo" around the watched turtle.
      watch candidate
      while [mouse-down?] [
        ;; If we don't force the view to update, the user won't
        ;; be able to see the turtle moving around.
        ;; The SUBJECT primitive reports the turtle being watched.
        ask subject [ setxy mouse-xcor mouse-ycor ]
      ;; Undoes the effects of WATCH.


to check-payoffs-are-non-negative
  if min reduce sentence payoff-matrix < 0 [
    user-message (word
      "Since you are using decision-rule =\n"
      "all elements in the payoff matrix\n"
      "\nshould be non-negative numbers.")

;;; Matrices ;;;


to-report max-of-matrix [matrix]
  report max reduce sentence matrix

to-report min-of-matrix [matrix]
  report min reduce sentence matrix

6. Sample runs

6.1. Cooperation on preferential-attachment networks

Now that we have our model ready, we can replicate some of the results put forward by Santos and Pacheco (2005, 2006) and Santos et al. (2006a, 2006b).[2] These authors observed that scale-free networks (especially preferential-attachment networks created following the Barabási–Albert model) can promote cooperation in social dilemmas. Let us see this with our new model.

Figure 6 below shows a representative simulation run of a population of 10 000 agents who play the Prisoner’s Dilemma with payoffs [[0 1.1875] [-0.1875 1]], using total payoffs and Santos-Pacheco decision rule. Strategy 0 (orange) corresponds to defection and strategy 1 (green) corresponds to cooperation. The network is preferential attachment with min-degree 2 (average degree ≈ 4). As you can see, the whole population reaches very high levels of cooperation (green) after a few thousand ticks. This is our baseline setting.

Figure 6. Representative simulation of a population of 10 000 agents who play the Prisoner’s Dilemma with payoffs [[0 1.1875] [-0.1875 1]], using total payoffs and Santos-Pacheco decision rule. The network is preferential attachment with min-degree 2 (average degree ≈ 4)

The whole simulation setting for figure 6 (i.e., baseline setting) is included below, in case you want to run it for yourself. We chose 10 000 agents to match the original experiments, but feel free to use a smaller population (e.g. 1000 agents) so the model runs faster. Results will be very similar.

["n-of-players-for-each-strategy" "[5000 5000]"] 
["payoffs" "[[0 1.1875]\n [-0.1875 1]]"] 
["network-model" "preferential-attachment"] 
["min-degree" 2]
["decision-rule" "Santos-Pacheco"] 
["play-with" "all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff"]
["prob-revision" 1] 
["noise" 0]

The cooperation obtained for the preferential attachment network in our baseline setting vanishes if the model is run on more homogeneous networks where all agents have a similar number of link-neighbors. To see this, let us run a few simulations on Watts-Strogatz networks. In contrast with preferential attachment networks, Watts-Strogatz networks have degree distributions that tend to be clustered around the mean. As you can see in Table 1 below, defection prevails on these networks.

Rewiring probability Representative simulation Degree Distribution

Table 1. Representative simulations of a population of 10 000 agents who play the Prisoner’s Dilemma with payoffs [[0 1.1875] [-0.1875 1]], using total payoffs and Santos-Pacheco decision rule. The networks are Watts-Strogatz with average degree 4 and different rewiring probabilities

The parameter values used for the simulations shown in Table 1 are included below.

["n-of-players-for-each-strategy" "[5000 5000]"] 
["payoffs" "[[0 1.1875]\n [-0.1875 1]]"] 
["network-model" "Watts-Strogatz-small-world"] 
["avg-degree-small-world" 4]
["prob-rewiring" [0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1]] 
["decision-rule" "Santos-Pacheco"] 
["play-with" "all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff"]
["prob-revision" 1] 
["noise" 0]

How does cooperation emerge in Barabási–Albert scale-free networks? The mechanism, which is explained by Santos and Pacheco (2006), Szabó and Fáth (2007, section 6.8), and Gómez-Gardeñes et al. (2007), relies on using total (accumulated) payoffs.

Finally, we would like to point out that the results for the evolution of cooperation are affected if, instead of using the accumulated payoff for each agent, its fitness is associated with the accumulated payoff divided by the number of interactions each agent engages during his life-cycle. Santos and Pacheco (2006, p. 732)

If agents use average (rather than total) payoffs, cooperation is severely undermined (see e.g. Wu et al. (2005), Wu et al. (2007), Tomassini et al. (2007), Szolnoki et al. (2008), Antonioni and Tomassini (2012), and Maciejewski et al. (2014)).[3] In the next section, we run some simulations to illustrate this.

6.2. Robustness of cooperation on scale-free preferential-attachment networks

In this final section, we run a few simulations to check the robustness of the emergence of cooperation on preferential-attachment networks.

The crucial importance of using total (accumulated) payoffs

First, we corroborate that, indeed, if agents use average payoffs rather than total payoffs, cooperation levels drop. In our model, this is best checked by using the imitative pairwise-difference decision rule. When using average payoffs, the only difference between the imitative pairwise-difference decision rule and Santos-Pacheco rule is that the latter divides the normalized payoff difference by \max (k_i, k_j), and this seems unnecessary since the normalized payoff difference is already in the range [0,1]. In any case, the results using Santos-Pacheco rule are qualitatively the same, so feel free to use that rule to run the experiments below, if you like.

Figure 7 below shows a representative simulation run with the same baseline setting as in figure 6, but using average rather than total payoffs. As you can see, the level of cooperation quickly drops to very low values.

Figure 7. Representative simulation of a population of 10 000 agents who play the Prisoner’s Dilemma with payoffs [[0 1.1875] [-0.1875 1]], using average payoffs and the imitative pairwise-difference decision rule. The network is preferential attachment with min-degree 2 (average degree ≈ 4)

The whole simulation setting for figure 7 is included below, in case you want to run it for yourself.

["n-of-players-for-each-strategy" "[5000 5000]"] 
["payoffs" "[[0 1.1875]\n [-0.1875 1]]"] 
["network-model" "preferential-attachment"] 
["min-degree" 2]
["decision-rule" "imitative-pairwise-difference"] 
["play-with" "all-nbrs-AVG-payoff"]
["prob-revision" 1] 
["noise" 0]

The results for the case where agents play with one random neighbor are even clearer (see figure 8). The whole population defects after only a few ticks.

Figure 8. Representative simulation of a population of 10 000 agents who play the Prisoner’s Dilemma with payoffs [[0 1.1875] [-0.1875 1]], obtain their payoff by playing with one random neighbor each tick, and follow the imitative pairwise-difference decision rule. The network is preferential attachment with min-degree 2 (average degree ≈ 4)

The whole simulation setting for figure 8 is included below, in case you want to run it for yourself.

["n-of-players-for-each-strategy" "[5000 5000]"] 
["payoffs" "[[0 1.1875]\n [-0.1875 1]]"] 
["network-model" "preferential-attachment"] 
["min-degree" 2]
["decision-rule" "imitative-pairwise-difference"] 
["play-with" "one-random-nbr"]
["prob-revision" 1] 
["noise" 0]

Random noise

It turns out that the emergence of cooperation in preferential-attachment networks is also quite sensitive to random noise. Figure 9 below shows a representative simulation with the same baseline setting as in figure 6, but adding a little bit of noise (noise = 0.01). Adding this little noise decreases the level of cooperation from nearly 100% to about 50%.

Figure 9. Representative simulation of a population of 10 000 agents who play the Prisoner’s Dilemma with payoffs [[0 1.1875] [-0.1875 1]], using total payoffs and Santos-Pacheco decision rule. The network is preferential attachment with min-degree 2 (average degree ≈ 4). Noise is 0.01

The whole simulation setting for figure 9 is included below, in case you want to run it for yourself.

["n-of-players-for-each-strategy" "[5000 5000]"] 
["payoffs" "[[0 1.1875]\n [-0.1875 1]]"] 
["network-model" "preferential-attachment"] 
["min-degree" 2]
["decision-rule" "Santos-Pacheco"] 
["play-with" "all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff"]
["prob-revision" 1] 
["noise" 0.01]

Payoff values

As we saw in Part III, local interactions in structured populations (as opposed to global interactions in well-mixed populations) can often promote cooperation, but only to some extent, i.e. within a limited range of payoff values. In general, one can make cooperation vanish by modifying the payoffs in a way that favors defectors.

As an example, figure 10 below shows a representative simulation run with the same baseline setting as in figure 6, but replacing Temptation = 1.1875 with Temptation = 1.375 and Suckers = -0.1875 with Suckers = -0.375. This small change in payoff values consistently leads to full defection in a few hundred ticks.

Figure 10. Representative simulation of a population of 10 000 agents who play the Prisoner’s Dilemma with payoffs [[0 1.375] [-0.375 1]], using total payoffs and Santos-Pacheco decision rule. The network is preferential attachment with min-degree 2 (average degree ≈ 4)

The whole simulation setting for figure 10 is included below.

["n-of-players-for-each-strategy" "[5000 5000]"] 
["payoffs" "[[0 1.375]\n [-0.375 1]]"] 
["network-model" "preferential-attachment"] 
["min-degree" 2]
["decision-rule" "Santos-Pacheco"] 
["play-with" "all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff"]
["prob-revision" 1] 
["noise" 0]

Payoff translations or interaction costs

When all agents play the game the same number of times or when they use average payoffs, many decision rules are invariant to positive affine transformations of payoffs. In other words, one can multiply all payoffs by a positive constant and/or add any constant to all payoffs, and the dynamics will not be affected.

However, in networks where agents use total payoffs and they have different numbers of neighbors, this is often no longer the case. Decision rule Santos-Pacheco in preferential-attachment networks is a case in point (Tomassini et al., 2007).

As an example, figure 11 below shows a representative simulation run with the same baseline setting as in figure 6, but where we have subtracted 0.25 from all payoffs. This 0.25 can be interpreted as a cost for every interaction where agents are involved (Masuda, 2007). As you can see, this small subtraction to all payoff values significantly decreases the level of cooperation.

Figure 11. Representative simulation of a population of 10 000 agents who play the Prisoner’s Dilemma with payoffs [[-0.25 0.9375] [-0.4375 0.75]], using total payoffs and Santos-Pacheco decision rule. The network is preferential attachment with min-degree 2 (average degree ≈ 4)

The whole simulation setting for figure 11 is included below.

["n-of-players-for-each-strategy" "[5000 5000]"] 
["payoffs" "[[-0.25 0.9375]\n [-0.4375 0.75]]"] 
["network-model" "preferential-attachment"] 
["min-degree" 2]
["decision-rule" "Santos-Pacheco"] 
["play-with" "all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff"]
["prob-revision" 1] 
["noise" 0]

Initial conditions

Note that the state where everyone defects is absorbing. Also, we can think of nearby states such that if we start a simulation there, the system will evolve to the state of full defection. States with one single cooperator are clear examples. This suggests that, in general, the state of full defection will have some basin of attraction. In other words, if we choose initial conditions close enough to the state of full defection, it is likely that the simulation will end up with the whole population defecting.

In our baseline setting, it turns out that the basin of attraction of the state of full defection is quite sizable. As an example, Figure 12 below shows a representative simulation with the same baseline setting as in figure 6, but with initial conditions [9000 1000]. Most simulation runs with these initial conditions end up with no cooperation at all.

Figure 12. Representative simulation of a population of 10 000 agents who play the Prisoner’s Dilemma with payoffs [[0 1.1875] [-0.1875 1]], using total payoffs and Santos-Pacheco decision rule. The network is preferential attachment with min-degree 2 (average degree ≈ 4). Initial conditions as [9000 1000]

The whole simulation setting for figure 12 is included below, in case you want to run it for yourself.

["n-of-players-for-each-strategy" "[9000 1000]"] 
["payoffs" "[[0 1.1875]\n [-0.1875 1]]"] 
["network-model" "preferential-attachment"] 
["min-degree" 2]
["decision-rule" "Santos-Pacheco"] 
["play-with" "all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff"]
["prob-revision" 1] 
["noise" 0]

We also get very low cooperation levels if we start from initial conditions a bit further away from the state of full defection. As an example, Figure 13 below shows a representative simulation with the same baseline setting as in figure 6, but with initial conditions [8000 2000].

Figure 13. Representative simulation of a population of 10 000 agents who play the Prisoner’s Dilemma with payoffs [[0 1.1875] [-0.1875 1]], using total payoffs and Santos-Pacheco decision rule. The network is preferential attachment with min-degree 2 (average degree ≈ 4). Initial conditions as [8000 2000]

The whole simulation setting for figure 13 is included below, in case you want to run it for yourself.

["n-of-players-for-each-strategy" "[8000 2000]"] 
["payoffs" "[[0 1.1875]\n [-0.1875 1]]"] 
["network-model" "preferential-attachment"] 
["min-degree" 2]
["decision-rule" "Santos-Pacheco"] 
["play-with" "all-nbrs-TOTAL-payoff"]
["prob-revision" 1] 
["noise" 0]

Final thoughts

We are approaching the end of our journey together, and by now we hope that the following words we wrote in the preface of this book start to make some sense to you:

To use a scientific model rigorously, it is important to be fully aware of all the assumptions embedded in it, and also of the various alternative assumptions that could have been chosen. If we don’t understand all the details of a model, we run the risk of over-extrapolating its scope and of drawing unsound conclusions.

In this chapter we have seen –once again– that the dynamics of evolutionary models can often be significantly affected by a multitude of factors that may not seem very relevant at first sight. This implies that in most cases it is extremely hard, if not impossible, to derive general simple rules about evolutionary dynamics on networks. For good or for bad, this is the way our universe seems to work, and there is nothing we can do to change that.

On a more positive note, this reflection highlights –once again– the importance of the skills you have learned. You are now able to design, implement and analyze models that can help you derive sound conclusions. The scope of these conclusions will often be more limited than what we would have wished for, but there is not much we can do about that. What is definitely under our control is to make sure that our conclusions are sound and rigorous, and by following this book you have taken a huge step in that direction.

7. Exercises

You can use the following link to download the complete NetLogo model: nxn-games-on-networks.nlogo.

A beautiful network

Exercise 1. How can we parameterize our model to replicate the results shown in figure 2 of Santos and Pacheco (2005)?

Exercise 2. How can we parameterize our model to replicate the results shown in figure 6 of Santos and Pacheco (2006)?

Exercise 3. How can we parameterize our model to replicate the results shown in figure 5 of Tomassini et al. (2007)?

Exercise 4. In our model, all revising agents update their strategy synchronously. What changes would you have to make in the code so revising agents within the tick update their strategies sequentially (in random order), rather than simultaneously?

Hint to implement asynchronous strategy updating

It is possible to do this by making a couple of minor changes in procedure to go, without touching the rest of the code.

Exercise 5. How can we parameterize the model developed in exercise 4 above to replicate the results shown in figure 2 of Tomassini et al. (2007)?

Exercise 6. For our “sample runs”, we have used unconventional payoff values, such as 1.1875, -0.1875, 1.375 or -0.375. Can you guess why did we not use better looking numbers such as 1.2, -0.2, 1.4 and -0.4 instead?


Write all these decimal numbers in binary. If you use a finite number of bits, once you have converted all these decimal numbers to finite bit strings, convert the binary representations back into decimal base.

  1. This variant has been used in several papers, such as Santos and Pacheco (2006), Santos et al. (2006a, 2006b), Gómez-Gardeñes et al. (2007) and Poncela et al. (2007).
  2. The algorithm these authors use to generate scale-free networks is slightly different from the one implemented in NetLogo. They start with an empty network, while we start with a complete network. This is a very small difference that is immaterial for our purposes.
  3. Tomassini et al. (2007), Szolnoki et al. (2008) and Antonioni and Tomassini (2012) develop models to study the transition from the extreme setting of total payoffs to the opposite extreme setting of average payoffs in a continuous way.


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Agent-Based Evolutionary Game Dynamics Copyright © 2024 by Luis R. Izquierdo, Segismundo S. Izquierdo & William H. Sandholm is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.