43 Process and Sanctions for Violations of Conduct Standards
The School of Pharmacy Associate Dean for Graduate Students will review any suspected violation of student conduct standards reported by an instructor, supervisor, or colleague. If the situation warrants further sanctions, the Associate Dean will then report it to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards.
The School of Pharmacy adheres to policies and actions outlined by University of Wisconsin-Madison on academic misconduct and non-academic misconduct. Students in the program are expected to know these misconduct policies.
Misconduct could result in:
- Written reprimand
- Denial of specified privilege(s)
- Imposition of specific terms and conditions on continued student status
- Probation
- Restitution
- A zero or failing grade on an assignment/exam
- A lower grade or failure in the course
- Removal of the student from the course(s) in progress
- Withdrawal of an offer of admission
- Placement on leave of absence for a determined amount of time
- Suspension from the program for up to one year with the stipulation that remedial activities may be prescribed as a condition of later readmission – students who meet the readmission condition must apply for readmission and the student will be admitted only on a space-available basis – see the Graduate School policy on readmission
- Dismissal from the program
- Denial of a degree