
27 Time Away During a Semester

Students are expected to be active participants in coursework throughout the entirety of an enrolled semester. If a student encounters a situation where they are unable to complete coursework, it is imperative that they contact their instructors and advisor as soon as possible. 

Regarding Travel:

It is recommended that students utilize course breaks (spring break, time between semesters, etc.) for vacations and personal travel.

Travel during enrolled semesters that impacts your ability to engage in coursework on the schedule provided in course syllabi is discouraged. Many courses open modules 3-7 days early, which allows students to work around trips that are a week or shorter in length. We discourage students from taking trips lasting longer than one week that also limit access to the internet and course websites, as this can put a student significantly behind in their coursework.

By program policy, course modules will not be opened early and assignment deadlines will not be extended for students taking trips that impact their ability to complete assignments.  Students who choose to travel during a term will be subject to all late penalties applied to assignments as specified in the course syllabus and/or assignment rubric.

For rare, extenuating circumstances (such as significant life-altering events), students can request a special one-time exemption to this policy that will allow a student to access course materials early or turn in assignments late with no penalty. To request travel-related course accommodations, please contact your advisor as soon as possible to initiate the accommodation process. The request will be reviewed by the Program Director. 

International students will need to work with their International Student Services (ISS) advisor if they intend to leave the country during an enrolled semester.  

Regarding Medical Emergencies:

The Graduate School has the following policies and information to address medical emergencies. If you experience a medical emergency during a semester, please alert your advisor as soon as possible so that they may assist you with next steps.


UW-Madison Pharmacy Professional Master's and Certificate Programs Student Handbook Copyright © by Stephanie Scholze and LINDY STOLL. All Rights Reserved.