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Lição 9

Learning Objectives – Objetivos da Lição

Lição 9 presents:

  • indirect object pronouns,
  • contractions of direct and indirect object pronouns and their placement in European Portuguese, and
  • relevant vocabulary.

After completing this lesson, the student will be able to:

  • recognize and produce sentences with indirect object pronouns.

Grammar – Gramática

Grammatical usage of the indirect object pronouns – O uso gramatical dos pronomes de objeto indireto

Indirect Object Pronouns Emphatic Forms Translation
me a mim [to me]
te a ti [to you]
lhe a você, ao senhor, à senhora [to you]
lhe a ele, a ela [to him, her, it]
nos a nós  [to us]
lhes a vocês, aos senhores, às senhoras  [to you]
lhes a eles, a elas  [to them]
Eu lhe disse meu nome. [I told him my name.]
Ela nos escreveu uma carta. [She wrote us a letter.]
Nós já lhes explicamos a situação. [We’ve already explained the situation to you.]

The placement of the simple forms of the indirect object pronouns in a sentence is the same as that for the direct object pronouns. Verbs terminating with –r, –s, –z or nasal sounds suffer no change when the indirect object pronouns are attached to them (see Lição 8).

The emphatic forms, as the name suggests, are used to give more emphasis to the indirect object pronoun.

Ele escreveu a carta a mim e não a você. [He wrote the letter to me and not to you.]

Colloquial Brazilian Usage – Uso coloquial brasileiro

When both direct and indirect object pronouns should be present in a sentence, the direct object is omitted and the indirect emphatic form is used. In this situation the Brazilian speaker tends to use para rather than a:

Para quem ele escreveu a carta? [To whom did he write the letter?]
– Escreveu para mim. [ – He wrote (it) to me.]
Quem entregou o cheque para Rosane? [Who gave the check to Rosane?]
– Leopoldo entregou para ela. [ – Leopoldo gave (it) to her.]
Para quem ela mandou o recado? [To whom did she send the message?]
– Ela mandou para nós. [ – She sent (it) to us.]
9.1 Practice – Prática

9.1 A. 

9.1 B. Substitute the emphasized words with the correct indirect object pronoun and place it correctly.

1. Meu vizinho deu a melancia para mim.
2. Eu expliquei para as primas.
3. Rogério contou para nós.
4. Vocês responderam à secretária.
5. Ela vai entregar para Júlio.
6. Ele disse isto para você?
7. Meu filho vai dizer a verdade para mim.
8. Faça o favor de dar o recado a sua amiga.
9. A senhora estava explicando a razão a Roberto.
10. Ele dava presentes para mim e para Joana.

9.1 C. Rewrite the following sentences using indirect object pronouns:

1. Josias dá as chaves do carro para a irmã.
2. A Lúcia vai entregar as composições a vocês.
3. O Eduardo está mostrando o edifício ao visitante.
4. O Zé vai apresentar o Mariano à colega.
5. Preparo o jantar para você e para mim.
6. Eles estão entregando os convites aos parentes.
7. O preço parece alto para você e eu.

Contractions of direct and indirect object pronouns and their placement in Continental Portuguese – As contrações de pronomes de objeto direto e indireto e a sua colocação em português europeu

The indirect object pronouns and the third person direct object pronouns make the following contractions. (Notice that the indirect object pronoun always precedes).

me + o = mo [it to me] nos + o = no-lo [it to us]
me + a = ma [it to me] nos + a = no-la [it to us]
me + os = mos [them to me] nos + os = no-los [them to us]
me + as = mas [them to me] nos + as = no-las [them to us]
te + o = to [it to you] vos + o = vo-lo [it to you (plural)]
te + a = ta [it to you] vos + a= vo-la [it to you (plural)]
te + os = tos [them to you] vos + os = vo-los [them to you (plural)]
te + as = tas [them to you] vos + as = vo-las [them to you (plural)]
lhe + o = lho [it to you, him, her] lhes + o = lhos [it to you, them]
lhe + a = lha [it to you, him, her] lhes + a = lhas [it to you, them]
lhe + os = lhos [them to you, him, her] lhes + os = lhos [them to you, them]
lhe + as = lhas [them to you, him, her] lhes + as = lhas [them to you, them]

Study the following examples and note where the object pronouns can be placed.

When subject is used:

O homem no-lo deu. [The man gave it to us.]
O homem deu-no-lo. [The man gave it to us.]

When subject is not used:

Deu-me o livro. [He gave me the book.]
Deu-mo. [He gave it to me.]

When sentence is negative or interrogative:

Ele não me deu o livro. [He didn’t give me the book.]
Não mo deu. [He didn’t give it to me.]

When the object pronoun is used in a dependent clause:

Ela disse que no-la mandou. [She said that she sent it to us.]

Because of the number of possible translations for the contractions of the third person direct and indirect object pronouns, it is common practice to substitute the emphatic forms of the indirect object pronouns to avoid ambiguity.

Eu lho dei ontem. [I gave it to him, it to her, it to you, it to them, it to you (plural) yesterday.]
Eu dei a ele ontem. [I gave it to him yesterday.]
Eu dei a ela ontem. [I gave it to her yesterday.]
Eu dei a você ontem. [I gave it to you yesterday.]
Eu dei a eles (a elas) ontem. [I gave it to them yesterday.]
Eu dei a vocês (aos senhores) ontem. [I gave it to you (plural) yesterday.]

Vocabulary – Vocabulário

Verbs – Verbos

Expressions – Expressões

9.2 Practice – Prática

9.2 A.

9.2 B. Translate these sentences:

1. They did it.
2. John bought them.
3. They are going to write them in their notebooks.
4. I explained it to her.
5. I translate it for them.
6. He sold me the radio.
7. Where did she put them?
8. She gave him the flowers the day before yesterday.

9.2 C. 

9.2 D. Rewrite the following sentences using direct object pronouns:

1. Você vai comprar aquela camiseta amarela.
2. Pedro e você vão colocar as fitas no gravador.
3. Ela vai vender o apartamento.
4. Vamos pedir as batatinhas fritas.
5. A gente vai analisar os resultados.


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