

Complete the following steps to calculate Vmax, KM, kcat and kcat/KM for wt and mutant HCAII.

  • Make a table of of initial velocities (in µM product/time) and substrate concentrations. To calculate µM product/time, you need to know: The molar absorption coefficient of PNP is 1.73 x 10M-1cm-1 at 405 nm, and the effective path length (b) of the spectrophotometer cuvettes is 1.0 cm.

Michaelis-Menten Fit:

NOTE: The fit described here is very similar to the one from Lab 9. If you need more guidance within Prism than what is written here, refer back to the data analysis from Lab 9.
  • Open GraphPad Prism and select “Enter 3 replicate values in side-by-side subcolumns,” hit “Create”
  • Paste your data in. You can put replicates in adjacent columns.
  • Select “Analyze”
    • Under “XY analyses” select “Nonlinear regression (curve fit)” Press OK
    • Under “Enzyme kinetics – Substrate vs Velocity” choose “Michaelis-Menten.”
      • Go into the “Compare” tab to have Prism compare the Vmax for wild type versus mutant.
        • Note that if you used different enzyme concentrations for wt and mutant, comparing Vmax is not valid. In this case, you will still use Prism to calculate Vmax values, but you cannot use the determination of significance from Prism. Instead, you need to convert Vmax into kcat, which can then be directly compared.
      • Update for Prism 8: Go to the “Confidence” tab and select “Symmetrical (asymptotic) approximate CI” then select “Show SE of parameters.” Press OK.
        • Prism doesn’t recommend this fit, but in order to easily propagate the error associated with Vmax later, we need a Standard Error. Based on a few initial trials, this type of CI calculation only differs very slightly from the recommended type.
  • Go back to the data table and again select “Analyze” and “Nonlinear regression (curve fit)”.
    • A window should pop up asking where to put this new analysis, select “Analyze this table again, creating a new results sheet.”
    • Repeat the fit as described above, but this time select to compare KM for wild type versus mutant (instead of Vmax). Again go into the Confidence tab to show standard error. Press OK
  • You should now have values for Vmax and KM with standard errors, a determination of statistical significance including a p-value, and a plot showing the fit.
  • Note that you also now have a plot of Vo vs [S]. You can play with the plot in Prism to make it look nice, just as you would in Excel: label axes, remove title, add error bars, etc.

 Kcat Calculation:

  • Calculate kcat and kcat/Kfor your wt and mutant enzymes based on your Michaelis-Menten fit using Equation 3. Pay attention to units: the units of kcat are sec-1.

(3) V_m_a_x = k_c_a_t [E]

  • For the kcat calculations, you are manipulating values that all have their own associated error. You will need to report error on kcat and kcat/KM using the principles of propagation of error. Refer to the Appendix for additional help (link opens in a new tab): Appendix 2: Statistical methods used in 551 data analyses



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