
Lab 12: Independent Lab

Lab 12 Objectives

  • Ensure that you have high quality data for labs 9-11 for use in the final lab report and oral presentation

During the final week of lab, you will repeat at least one of: lab 9, 10, or 11. This lab is OPTIONAL, but you and your lab partner must decide to do this lab or not (i.e. you should not repeat the experiments without your lab partner). Discuss with your pod mates ahead of time. If they do not plan to do this lab but you plan to, make sure you obtain the proteins from them in lab 11.

The purpose is to give you an opportunity to improve the data that you will be presenting in your final oral and written reports. You will be expected to present data of reasonably high quality.

Choosing a lab to repeat

In some cases, the choice will be obvious…

If all of your data are pretty good, think about repeating an experiment with the goal of optimizing the range of substrate, ligand, or inhibitor.

I have seen groups repeat all three experiments, so that is possible if you feel it is necessary. It just requires preparation and a good division of labor.

If you are not sure what to repeat, talk to the course instructor.

Submit your choice

Once your pod has decided what to repeat, enter your choices via a link found in a Canvas announcement. It will be a Google doc that you can edit. You must enter your choice by the Friday before lab at 2:30pm. This means you need to analyze the data from lab 11, at least to some extent, before the Friday before lab at 2:30pm.

In lab

Materials will be provided as per your entries in the Google sheet. It will be your responsibility to plan your time so that you can complete your chosen lab(s) during lab time.


Biochemistry 551 Lab Manual Copyright © by Lynne Prost. All Rights Reserved.

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