
Wet Lab Logistics and Policy Reminders

As this is our first lab, now would be a good time to go back to Canvas to review important lab policies (links open in new tabs):

Lab General Information

Lab Safety Information

Several important reminders:

Key Safety Requirements

To participate in lab, you MUST:

  • Wear eye covering (safety glasses, goggles, or regular glasses); provided
  • Wear close-toed shoes
  • Wear clothing that completely covers your stomach and legs (knee-length or longer)
  • Wear lab coats in labs 4-8; provided
  • Leave all food, beverage, backpacks and coats in the hall lockers

Expectations Prior to Lab

You are expected to complete the following each week before arriving at lab:

  • Read through the entire lab protocol thoroughly, including viewing any videos.
  • Complete the “Pre-Lab Assignment” questions. These are questions found in the lab manual and should be hand written in your lab notebook.
  • Write out a detailed protocol for the lab in your lab notebook. You can either write the protocol down before coming to the lab, or write it down as you do the lab. While this does not have to be a word-for-word copy of the lab manual, it should contain enough detail that you will be able to mostly complete the lab based on your notes. You can use table/flowchart/figure to substitute for words when applicable, but most should be in words.
  • Complete the Prelab Quiz in Canvas.
  • Complete any required calculations, or any other planning that is possible before the lab, as outlined in the lab manual. Note that some weeks this may require you to coordinate with your lab partner and/or podmates before the lab.


Lab logistics: Where is everything located?

Most aliquots and supplies will be on the back bench each week, as shown below. Pay close attention to the instructions written with each item.


Bring an ice bucket with you to the back bench so that you can keep your aliquots cold

Detailed image of a small ice bucket containing ice and several small reagent tubes

Enzymes (such as Phusion) will be on the TA table in a yellow ice block:

Image of a yellow and white freezer block that can be found on the TA table containing any required enzymes for the day's lab. Box is labeled "Enzymes Class Stocks"


Biochemistry 551 Lab Manual Copyright © by Lynne Prost. All Rights Reserved.

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