Conditional and conditional perfect tenses
The endings of the conditional are the same for all verbs.
They are —ei, —esti, —ebbe, —emmo, —este, —ebbero.
They are added to the same stem as that used for the future (ex. parler— ; dormirer—)
parlare fare
parlerei parleremmo farei faremmo
parleresti parlereste faresti fareste
parlerebbe parlerebbero farebbe farebbero
The following are some of the irregular stems used for the future and the conditional; note that these irregular stems all end in —r.
Infinitive irregular stem 1st sing. future, conditional
andare andr— andrò, andrei
avere avr— avrò, avrei
essere sar— sarò, sarei
potere potr— potrò, potrei
sapere sapr— saprò, saprei
vedere vedr— vedrò vedrei
venire verr— verrò, verrei
volere vorr— vorrò, vorrei
The conditional translates “would” plus the meaning of the verb:
Parlerei — I should (would) speak;
Avreste — you would have
The conditional perfect, which is formed by adding the past participle of the main verb to the conditional of the auxiliary (avere or essere), translates “should have” or “would have” plus the meaning of the past participle:
Avrebbero parlato — They would have talked.
Compare the future with the conditional in the following examples:
parleremo (future) parleremmo (conditional)
parlerete (future) parlereste (conditional)
al pari di like |
conseguente consistent, coherent |
dettero gave (3d. pl. past abs., dare) |
dimenticare to forget |
dolce sweet, pleasant |
fossero were (3d. pl. impf. subj., essere) |
frenare to restrain, to check |
giudicare to judge |
grossolano rough, coarse |
impedire to prevent |
impiegare to use, to employ |
improvviso unexpected, sudden |
indagine (f.) inquiry, investigation |
in grado di able (to), in a position (to) |
nemmeno not even |
nondimeno nevertheless |
promosso promoted, provoked, brought about (past part., promuovere) |
provare to feel, to experience; to prove |
salvo safe, secure |
serbare to keep, to preserve |
suddito subject |
trapasso transition |
trascinare to drag; to fascinate |
valore value, valor |