Meanings of da
In addition to the meanings noted in the preceding section (for, since), the preposition da may have any of the following meanings:
from / Viene da Roma. — He comes from Rome.
by / È ammirato da tutti. — He is admired by all.
as, like / Combatté da eroe. — He fought like a hero.
with / Conosci il medico dalla barba lunga? — Do you know the doctor with the long beard?
at or to the home [office, shop, etc.] of, at or to the place associated with, etc. / È andata dal medico. — She went to the doctor’s (office).
on / da un lato, da una parte — on the one hand, on one side
dall’altro lato, dall’altra parte — on the other hand, on the other side
Furthermore, before an infinitive, da may mean “to” or “something to,” or may express duty or necessity.
Che c’è da mangiare? — What is there to eat?
Dategli da bere. — Give him something to drink.
Ho molto da fare. — I have a lot to do.
Ho da scrivere a casa. — I have [something] to write home.
addirittura positively, actually |
azzurro blue |
cardine (m.) foundation, base; hinge, pivot | dipinto depicted, portrayed (past part., dipingere) |
indizio indication; sign; symptom |
ingiuriare to insult, injure, offend |
migliorare to better, to improve, to ameliorate |
offeso offended, injured (past part., offendere) |
ossequio respect; obedience |
pace (f.) peace |
parecchi (f. pl., parecchie) several | raccoglimento meditation |
richiedere to demand, to require |
abbozzato sketchy |
affetto affection |
aperto open (past part., aprire) |
debole weak |
dignitoso dignified, noble |
ferace fertile, rich |
manchevolezza imperfection, defect, fault | occorrere to be necessary |
prepotenza arrogance | prevalga prevail (3d sing. pres. subj., prevalere) |
rispettoso respectful |
sfrenato unrestrained |
superbo arrogant, proud, haughty |
virtù virtue; property |
volerci = essere necessario |