The verbs leggere (to read), scrivere (to write), and mettere (to place, to put)
Leggere (to read), scrivere (to write), and mettere (to put, to place) are regular verbs, except for the past absolute and the past participle.
leggere | scrivere | mettere | |
Past absolute | lessi | scrissi | misi |
leggesti | scrivesti | mettesti | |
lesse | scrisse | mise | |
leggemmo | scrivemmo | mettemmo | |
leggeste | scriveste | metteste | |
lessero | scrissero | misero | |
Past participle |
letto |
scritto |
messo |
Conjugated like leggere are: eleggere (to elect) and rileggere (to reread).
Numerous verbs may be considered compounds of mettere and are conjugated in the same way: ammettere (to admit), commettere (to commit), compromettere (to compromise), omettere (to omit), permettere (to permit), promettere (to promise), sottomettere (to subject; to submit), trasmettere (to transmit), etc.
The verb mettere can be used reflexively as well: mettersi. When used with a direct object, it means “to put on [something],” such as an article of clothing.
Mi metto la giacca. — I am putting on my coat.
When used with the preposition a (mettersi a) + the infinitive, it means “to position [oneself] to [do something]”, as in “to start or to begin something.”
Mi metto a studiare. — I start / I am starting to study.
accano a beside, next to |
alunno pupil |
giornale (m.) newspaper |
lavagna blackboard |
mettersi a (+inf.) = cominciare a (+ inf.) |
ridere to laugh |
rivista magazine, review |
scorso last, past |