Conditional contrary to fact
The imperfect and pluperfect subjunctives are used in stating conditions contrary to fact.
Se avessi denaro, lo comprerei. — If I had money, I would buy it. (Implication: I have no money.)
Se avessi avuto denaro, l’avrei comprato. — If I had had money, I would have bought it. (Implication: I had no money.)
cavalleresco chivalric; chivalrous | debba (also deva) must, has to (3d sing. pres. subj., dovere) |
dipingere to paint |
finché as long as |
fortezza fortress |
impiegare to employ; to spend |
prodigare to lavish (on) |
quando even if; when |
sfondo background | trattarsi (di) to be a matter (of) to be a question (of) |