
Sehemu ya 2: Fursa

Kazi ya Nyumbani

1. Chora picha ya “comic” ya watu wakisalimiana kwa kutumia salamu za mitaani. Angalia mfano uliopo juu.

Draw a comic strip of people greeting each other using slang greetings. See the example above for reference.

2. Wewe utakwenda kwa “Shark Tank” na unahitaji kutengeneza mpango mkakati (strategic plan) kwa mradi au biashara fulani itakayofanywa Afrika ya Mashariki. Inaweza kuwa mradi wa afya, mradi wa miundombinu, mradi wa jamii, mradi wa sanaa, na kadhalika. Tengeneza uwasilishaji wa dakika 5 kwa “powerpoint” au “prezzi.” Lazima ufuate orodha hii:

You are going to appear on Shark Tank, and you need to make a strategic plan for a project or business that will be done in East Africa. It can be a health project, an infrastructure project, a community project, an art project etc. Make a five minute powerpoint or prezzi presentation. You must follow this outline:   

  1. Utangulizi (introduction)
    • Kwa nini mradi huu ni muhimu? (Why is this project important?)
  2. Lengo (purpose)
    • Kwa nini umechagua mradi huu? (Why did you choose this project?)
  3. Malengo (goals)
    • Una malengo gani? (What are your goals?)
  4. Utekelezaji (implementation)
    • Hatua ya 1 (step 1)
    • Hatua ya 2 (step 2)
  5. Gharama/ Uwekezaji (costs/ investment)
    • Nani atagharamia mradi? (Who will fund the project?)
  6. Matarajio (expectations)
    • Unatarajia matokeo gani? (What results are you expecting?)
  7. Hitimisho (conclusion)


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