Divergent Energy Policies: Germany and the United States
Building from the Germany-US comparison, you will be asked to participate in a discussion about US energy/climate policy in class.
Questions that you and your group will be asked to address include:
- What differences exist between the U.S. and Germany that contribute to their different policy trajectories?
- What do you think is the best mix of policies for U.S. to stimulate alternatives to fossil fuels from a management and economic perspective (research subsidies, price premiums (ala Germany), cap-and-trade, carbon taxes…etc.)?
- Revisit your response to question #2 and consider the political barriers to your proposal.

The EEU carbon trading system is modeled after a successful US program (EPA) to reduce the release of SO2 by utilities. As described in lecture earlier, here is how this "cap and trade" system works: