
CSCR Annual Review

All students enrolled in the CSCR named option are required to participate in an annual progress review. It is expected that students in their first year of study may have completed only coursework as progress in their studies.

The only exception to this policy is when a faculty member or student is on a formal medical leave. When a faculty member is on a medical leave of absence, their responsibility will be assumed by a member of the CSCS Graduate Program Committee. When a student is on a formal leave from graduate studies, they will not be expected to complete an annual review.

Positive growth, development and ongoing performance of CSCR graduate students is paramount to successful completion of graduate study. Therefore, each year, the progress of each student is documented, reviewed and monitored through an annual review.



  • Above satisfactory progress: Student is excelling in the number of benchmarks or criteria completed within a typical timeline of graduate study or completing benchmarks along an accelerated timeline.
  • Satisfactory progress: Student is meeting the program’s benchmarks and criteria within a reasonable timeline.
  • Progress needs improvement: Student is not completing benchmarks in a progressive manner, is not meeting review criteria, or is not progressing within a timeline that is expected for graduate study.

By April 1st of each year (exact dates to be determined and announced by GPC), students are responsible for submitting the following materials as evidence of their accomplishments:

  • An updated Curriculum Vitae, including, at a minimum, sections for:
    • Education and Work Experience
    • Awards and Honors
    • Research
      • Grant proposals in developments, submitted, in review or have received funding
      • Journal articles or technical reports that are published, in press, in review and in progress
      • Research presentations (e.g. conferences or colloquia) and/or proposals or abstracts for presentations not yet accepted.
    • Teaching (formal and informal)
      • TA and SA funding
      • Formal courses developed, delivered and assisted
      • Informal teaching activities (e.g. guest lectures, workshops, brown bags)
      • Mentoring activities
    • Community Engagement Activities
      • Developing partnerships for projects
      • Participating as a member of a coalition
      • Community organizing
      • Advocacy or volunteerism
    • Outreach/Service activities (e.g. committee members in the profession, the university, and the public)
    • Professional Development Activities, particularly those that are unique or especially desirable in the profession (optional)
  • An updated course checklist
  • Completed Annual Progress Report Form

A student’s faculty advisor is responsible for reviewing each of their advisee’s progress documents, providing oral feedback to advisees, providing a copy of the Annual Student Progress Review Form to each student, and documenting the student’s strengths and areas for improvement during the forthcoming year. The review form shall indicate an overall rating of the student’s progress as either above satisfactory, satisfactory or in need of significant improvement. Faculty reviews are due to students by May 1st with a copy provided to the Graduate Program Coordinator. Each year, CSCS GPC will review the students’ and their advisors’ annual reports for any trends in performance that may indicate the necessity for program changes and report them, along with recommendations to the CSCS faculty committee.

Criteria for evaluating a student’s progress include course grades of B or better, ability to manage time and work independently, timely progress toward degree completion (to be completed within 5-6 years), scholarly contributions (e.g. publications, grant applications, conference presentations), favorable teaching evaluations, evidence of the student’s active engagement within one or more communities, and contributions to service activities.

Graduate school policy states that “The advisor/student relationship is one of mutual agreement, which may be terminated by either party. If a student changes advisors, they need to notify their program coordinator. It is the responsibility of every graduate student to have an advisor.” Therefore, if any student prefers an advisor (mentor, major professor) other than the faculty advisor, he or she needs to notify the Graduate Program Coordinator before the student’s annual review.

The CSCS GPC is responsible for providing students one month’s advance notice of the annual reviews and annually reviewing the students’ and advisors’ reports. Any trends, along with recommendations, are then reported to the CSCS faculty committee. The Graduate Program Coordinator is responsible for making sure that students’ reports are completed on time and organized for advisors’ reviews. The Coordinator is also responsible for assisting students with changes to the faculty advisor.


School of Human Ecology Graduate Programs Handbook Copyright © 2022 by Michelle Holland. All Rights Reserved.