
SoHE Satisfactory Academic Progress

A student in the Human Ecology graduate program will be judged to be making satisfactory progress when the following conditions are met. The conditions are that they have:

  • Registered for a minimum of two credits (or three credits if dissertator) per semester, not including summer sessions;
  • Have regular contact with their advisor; at least once per semester;
  • Maintained a 3.0 overall GPA and received a grade of at least B in all Human Ecology coursework;
  • Cleared any incomplete grades by the end of the next enrolled semester
  • Formed a graduate committee: (a) by the end of the third semester of full time study if a MS thesis student and (b) by the end of the fourth semester of full time study if an MFA or PhD student.
  • Received committee approval to implement their research proposal: (a) no later than the end of the third semester of full time study for master’s thesis students, (b) no later than the end of the second semester following prelims for PhD students, and (c) no later than the end of the fourth semester for MFA students.
  • Received a favorable satisfactory progress recommendation from their advisor annually.

A student will be judged to be making unsatisfactory progress if they:

  • Have not completed all degree requirements, including thesis or dissertation: (a) within three years of full time study for the MS degree, (b) within 6 years of full time study for the PhD degree, and (c) within 4 years of full time study for the MFA degree. (Note: The Grad School guideline is 5 years post-prelim for PhD).

Students who are judged to not be making satisfactory progress may be placed on probation and may lose eligibility for graduate student funding awards such as scholarships and assistantships. Further, students who receive unsatisfactory progress ratings in two consecutive semesters may be dropped from the program.  Students may appeal a decision to be dropped from the program by submitting a written request to their advisor outlining the reasons they believe reconsideration is warranted in relation to established criteria for satisfactory progress.


School of Human Ecology Graduate Programs Handbook Copyright © 2022 by Michelle Holland. All Rights Reserved.