
SoHE Committees and Student Organizations

Graduate Students on Committees

Many School, Department, and Program Committees include a graduate student representative (e.g., Faculty Search Committees, Graduate Program Committees, and Departmental Committees). These are voluntary and non-paid positions. The graduate student representative is not a voting member of the committee. The graduate student representative will not be part of committee discussions involving student specific information or decisions (e.g., award, fellowship, and scholarship, other budgeting decisions, annual reviews, and other student issues).

The goals of the graduate student representative are three fold: (1) to provide feedback about student experiences and the program and to engage in committee discussions, (2) to communicate about committee activities to the broader body of graduate students and seek their input as requested, and (3) to gain professional experiences by serving on these committees. These experiences may be beneficial for students interested in career paths in the academy as well as any student who will be working in an organization with multiple people.

In some cases, the representative may be asked to perform activities outside of committee meetings that are of minimal time commitment (e.g., helping to promote a faculty job talk as part of Faculty Search Committee).

Terms of service are one year and require that students are in good standing and that the position does not detract from program progress. These positions are not required for successful program completion. Students should consult with their graduate advisors about the timing of their involvement on a committee relative to their stage in the program.

SoHE Graduate Student Organization (SoHE GSO)

HDFS Graduate Student Organization (HDFS-GSO)


School of Human Ecology Graduate Programs Handbook Copyright © 2022 by Michelle Holland. All Rights Reserved.