
Особенности устной речи

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Цель: Познакомиться с некоторыми отличиями устной речи от письменной.

Задание: Прочитайте текст о некоторых особенностях устной речи. Затем прослушайте аудиозапись отрывка из интервью М. Голдовской. Во время прослушивания попытайтесь распознать особенности устной речи, о которых говорится в тексте.

There are a number of features which distinguish spoken from written discourse. Some of these can be observed in this audio clip from an interview with Marina Goldovskaya.

Filler words are words used to “fill in” spaces in oral speech. Filler words may be used unconsciously, as a device to give the speaker time to think about what he or she will say next, or as a way for a speaker to hold on to his or her turn in having the floor. Some examples in English include “like” or “um.” Some examples in Russian include “вот” and “ну.” Listen to the clip of Goldovskaya speaking, and see if you can identify some of the filler words that she uses in her speech.

False starts are instances in which the speaker “changes his or her mind” after he or she has already begun an utterance. It may be as little as something like a stutter, or it may involve the speaker completely reformulating his or her sentence.

The clip of the interview of Goldovskaya contains a number of false starts. Listen to the clip and see if you can identify some of them. On the next page you will be asked to classify specific examples of filler words and false starts from the interview.


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Russian Advanced Interactive Listening Series: Кинорежиссер Марина Голдовская: интервью и фильмы Copyright © by Victoria Thorstensson; Shannon Donnally Quinn; Benjamin Rifkin; and Dianna Murphy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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