
Lesson 7: 110-я школа

school number 110 childrenLesson Description:

If this is the first time you are using a RAILS lesson, we recommend that you take a look at the page About the lessons to make sure that you understand how some features of the lessons work.

This is the seventh lesson in a series of lessons based on films by Marina Goldovskaya. It is also the second of four lessons based on the documentary film «Дети Ивана Кузьмича». The lesson consists of five parts: История школы, Из кинохроники, Директор, Педагогика, and Заключение.

You will watch four clips from the film, including some archival documentary footage from the 1930s.

You can find the Помощник and Словарь at the end of the lesson for easy reference, but they are also available in the lesson in places where you are most likely to need them.

What You Will Learn:

You will learn about the history of school No. 110 before and after the revolution, and about the principal Иван Кузьмич, his personality and his teaching philosophy. You will learn about some of the school’s students and their parents. You will work with physical descriptions.

Learning Tips:

Pay attention to the visual information as you watch the video clips.

This lesson is based on the film «Дети Ивана Кузьмича». Use of excerpts from the films Solovky Power and Children of Ivan Kuzmich in the RAILS lessons is courtesy of Goldfilms.

pages Number of pages: 15
clock Estimated completion time: 1 hour, 30 minutes




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Russian Advanced Interactive Listening Series: Кинорежиссер Марина Голдовская: интервью и фильмы Copyright © by Victoria Thorstensson; Shannon Donnally Quinn; Benjamin Rifkin; and Dianna Murphy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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