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Раздел: Власть соловецкая Страница: 5/18
Цель: Узнать о роли фильма «Власть cоловецкая» для перестройки.
Задание: Прочитайте текст. Обратите внимание на выделенные слова. Они встретятся вам еще не один раз в последующих уроках.
The film is a very important one for Russian history because it was made and released during the era of perestroika (перестройка) and made history, itself, because it was one of the first open discussions of Soviet concentration camps. By choosing the title «Власть соловецкая,» Marina Goldovskaya (Марина Голдовская) wants to ask questions about the very nature of the Soviet state (“Власть советская”). Goldovskaya’s film includes scenes from a 1927-1928 Soviet propaganda film made to celebrate the success of the Solovki Labor Camp in the “rehabilitation” (перевоспитание) of criminals. Goldovskaya’s film was one of the first open discussions of the fate of the victims of Soviet concentration camps.