
Фильм «Власть соловецкая»: Заключение

Congratulations! You have completed Lesson 5.

Supplementary activities:

1. Watch the whole film «Власть соловецкая» and write a reaction paper to the film.

2. Watch another important film of perestroika, for example, «Покаяние», and write a reaction paper to the film.

3. Find information about other films by Marina Goldovskaya on the internet and summarize what you learned.


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Russian Advanced Interactive Listening Series: Кинорежиссер Марина Голдовская: интервью и фильмы Copyright © by Victoria Thorstensson; Shannon Donnally Quinn; Benjamin Rifkin; and Dianna Murphy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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