Unit 1: Introduction
1.4 Punctuation and Capitalization
- An inverted question mark is placed at the beginning of a sentence to indicate intonation:
- ¿Estás listo?
- Are you ready?
- An inverted exclamation is placed before exclamations for the same reason:
- ¡Qué bien hablan!
- How well they speak
- An initial dash is usually used instead of quotations marks to indicate dialogue:
- -¿Vas o no vas?
- “Are you going or not?
- -No, me quedo aquí.
- “No, I’m staying here.”
- Spanish does not use capital letters in the following cases in which English does:
1. Days of the week:
- Hoy es viernes.
- Today is Friday.
2. Months of the year:
- Mañana comienza abril.
- April begins tomorrow.
3. Adjectives of nationality:
- Hugo es uruguayo.
- Hugo is Uruguayan.
4. Names of languages:
- El húngaro no es fácil.
- Hungarian is not easy.
5. Titles:
- El señor Sotomayor vino hoy.
- Mr. Sotomayor came today.