
Unit 14: Future and conditional perfect tenses, translation considerations (part 4)

14.6 Frequent Noun Endings

The ending –ero/a tends to indicate a profession or trade related to the root of the noun, as in banquero (“banker”). Other less common suffixes that express the same meaning are –ín, as in bailarín (“dancer”); –ario as in veterinario (“veterinarian”); –ista, as in modista (“seamstress,” “dressmaker”); and –dor as in contador (“accountant”).

Noun endings in –ista generally only have one singular form. The gender of the person is seen in the definite or indefinite article: el pianista = male pianist, la novelista = female novelist.

The ending –ería (or at times –era) often denotes a place of business, a particular kind of factory, or a profession or trade that comes from the root of the noun, as in ingeniería (“engineering”)

The suffix –ada usually indicates a quantity, as in cucharada (“spoonful”).

Profesiones y oficios (trades):

Study these examples. You do not need to memorize them. Simply notice the ending patterns so that you can begin to recognize professions and places of business by the ending.

el/la bailarín/ina dancer, ballerina
el/la bibliotecario/-a librarian
el/la bomber/-a  firefighter
el/la cajero/-a  cashier
el/la camarero/-a  waiter, waitress, server
el/la carnicero/-a  butcher
el/la cartero/-a  letter carrier
el/la cocinero/a  cook
el/la contador/a accountant
el/la costurero/a  tailor, seamstress
el/la enfermero/a  nurse
el/la fontanero/a  plumber
el/la modista  dressmaker, seamstress
el/la obrero/a  laborer, worker
el/la peluquero/a hair stylist
el/la periodista  journalist
el/la vendedor/-a  salesperson

Lugares (places):

la biblioteca library
la carnicería butcher shop
la mueblería furniture store/ furniture factory
la papelería  stationery store
la zapatería  shoe store



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