
Unit 10: Structures with “hacer,” introduction to perfect tenses, translation considerations (part 1)

Unit 10: Basic Vocabulary

Vocabulario básico


aún still, yet
acá here (used for motion toward the speaker)
ahí there (nearby)
allá there (far away)
infelizmente  unfortunately
ni siquiera not even
súbitamente suddenly


puesto que because, as, since
ya que because, as, since


a su vez in (his, her, their) turn
cambiar de idea to change one’s mind
con (mucho) gusto with (much) pleasure, gladly
dar lo mismo to make no difference
en cambio on the other hand
en lugar de instead of, in place of
estar de acuerdo (con) to be in agreement, to agree (with)
estar de buen (mal) humor to be in a good (bad) mood
hacer hincapié en to stress, to emphasize, to insist on
pedir prestado to borrow*
por excelencia par excellence
por otra parte on the other hand
quedar en (+inf.) to agree (to do something)
quedarse con to keep (something)
tener voluntad  to be willing, to feel like

*The past participle here functions as an adjective and agrees in number and gender with what was borrowed. Spanish has no one verb meaning “to borrow.”


el/la abogado/-a lawyer, attorney
el amo/-a de casa stay-at-home dad/mom
el asunto matter, issue, question (not interrogative)
la cuestión issue, question (not interrogative)
el cura priest
la cura cure
el derecho right, law (field of study)
la falta lack (false friend)
el/ la juez/ jueza judge
el juicio judgment, trial, verdict; opinion (a mi juicio)
la monja nun
la muchedumbre crowd
las noticias news (la noticia– piece of news)
el papel role, paper
la pérdida loss
el/la periodista journalist
el préstamo loan
el presupuesto budget
el principio beginning; principle
el/la rabino/-a rabbi
el testigo witness


agradecer to thank, to be grateful for
apoyar to support (politically, emotionally), to lean (physically)
aumentar to increase (cognate: augment)
cambiar to change
carecer to lack
cargar to charge (to an account), to load
comportarse (bien/mal) to behave (well/badly)
deprimir to depress*
desobedecer to disobey
dibujar to draw
elegir to elect
equivocarse to make a mistake (false friend)
fabricar to manufacture (cognate: to fabricate)
guardar to save (something for someone)
hallar to find
invertir (ie) to invest
juzgar to judge
lograr to manage (to do something), to obtain, to achieve
llenar to fill
llorar to cry
manejar to manage, to handle, to drive
merecer to deserve
meter(se) to put (to meddle)
molestar to bother (false friend)
montar to put together, to assemble
obedecer to obey
poseer to possess, to own
realizar to achieve, to carry out (false friend); to realize (a dream, a goal)**
renunciar (a) to resign (from) (false friend)
significar to mean
solicitar to apply for, to solicit

*Almost all verbs ending in -primir correspond to those in English ending in “-press”: The meanings of reprimir, oprimir, suprimir, etc. should now be readily deducible. One exception is imprimir, which means “to print” (or “to imprint”) not to “impress,” which is rendered by impresionar.

**Realizar also may translate as “to realize” but only in limited circumstances, such as Claudio realizó su sueño de estudiar en Santiago (“Claudio realized his dream of studying in Santiago.”) Remember that “to realize,” when it means “to become aware of,” is expressed by darse cuenta (de).


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