
Unit 4: More present tense verbs and personal a

Unit 4: Basic Vocabulary

Vocabulario básico 


ciego blind
cierto (a) certain
joven young
junto together
largo long (false friend)
mismo same, very
mudo mute
primero first
próximo next
semejante similar, such
simpático nice, friendly
sordo deaf
tal such, such a
tonto silly, stupid
último last


adentro (dentro) inside
afuera (fuera) outside
junto together


pues since, as, because, for


al extranjero abroad (destination)
creer que no to think not, not to think so
creer que sí to think so
en el extranjero abroad (location)
hacer un viaje to take a trip
¿no? isn’t it so (true)? (used after an affirmative statement only)
por lo menos, al menos at least
la semana que viene (la semana próxima) next week
Es verdad. It’s true
¿No es verdad? Isn’t it so (true)?
¿verdad? isn’t it so (true)? Right?
en alguna parte somewhere
en ninguna parte nowhere
en todas partes everywhere
dar un paseo to take a walk, ride
poner la mesa to set the table
por todos lados everywhere

Los meses del año (Months of the Year):

enero January
febrero February
marzo March
abril April
mayo May
junio June
julio July
agosto August
septiembre September
octubre October
noviembre November
diciembre December


contra against
desde of, from, since
durante during


el/la amigo/-a friend
el colegio high school (false friend)
la estación season
el fin de semana weekend
la gente people
el invierno winter
el otoño autumn, fall
la primavera spring
el siglo century
el trabajo work, written work, term paper
el verano summer
la verdad truth


abrir to open
alquilar to rent
amar to love
aprender to learn
asistir to attend (false friend)
barrer to sweep
beber to drink (cognate: imbibe)
comer to eat
contestar to answer
creer to believe (cognates: credible, credo)
deber to owe; ought, should*
desear to desire, to wish, to want
discutir to argue, to discuss
enviar to send (cognate: envoi, envoy)
escribir to write
leer to read (cognate: legible)
mandar to send, to order (cognate: mandate)
mantener to maintain, to keep up; to support financially**
pasar to happen; to spend (time)
pasar por to pass through; to go through
pasar a to move on [to the next thing]
recibir to receive
recoger to pick up, to collect, to gather
secar to dry
subir to go up, to climb
trabajar to work
vender to sell
vivir to live

*Deber is not a synonym of tener que, which indicates strong obligation or necessity. Although they are at times quite close in meaning, deber tends to be “softer,” indicating what one should or ought to do.

**Mantener has all of the irregularities of tener, in the present tense, as well as others to be studied later.


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