
Unit 6: Pronouns (Part 1), imperfect tense, adverbs

Unit 6: Basic Vocabulary

Vocabulario básico


actual present, current (false friend)
ambos both
demasiado too many, too much
infeliz unhappy
los/las dos both
mayor greater (see section 7.2 )
mejor better
parecido similar
peligroso dangerous
sumiso submissive
triste sad


(a)dentro inside, indoors
(a)fuera outside, outdoors
algo somewhat
demasiado too much, too
entonces then
ya already (now, later on)


de todo everything
en aquel / ese entonces at that time
los demás the rest, the others
hoy (en) día nowadays
ya no no longer

Números cardinales:

cien(to) one hundred
doscientos two hundred
trescientos three hundred
cuatrocientos four hundred
quinientos five hundred
seiscientos six hundred
setecientos seven hundred
ochocientos eight hundred
novecientos nine hundred
mil one thousand
un millón (de) one million

Números ordinales:

primero first
segundo second
tercero third
cuarto* fourth
quinto fifth
sexto sixth
séptimo seventh
octavo eighth
noveno ninth
décimo tenth

*Be careful to distinguish the ordinal number cuarto from the cardinal number cuatro. Remember also that, as a noun, cuarto means “room.” Context always clarifies the intended meaning.


(a)dentro de inside of, within
(a)fuera de outside of

Pronombre relativo (Relative Pronoun):

lo que what, that which


acordarse (ue) (de) to remember*
acostarse (ue) to go to bed
bajar (de) to drop, to go down (to descend), to get off (public transportation)
bañarse to take a bath, to bathe
caerse to fall down
cepillarse (los dientes) to brush (one’s teeth)
cortarse to cut oneself
despertarse (ie) to wake up
divertirse (ie) to have a good time, to amuse oneself, to enjoy oneself
dormirse (ue) to fall asleep
encontrarse (ue) to be located, to be (ill or well), to find oneself (somewhere)**
había there was, there were
incluir to include
irse to go away
lastimarse to get hurt, to hurt oneself
lavarse to wash
levantarse to get up
llamarse to be called, to be named
llevarse to carry away/ off
olvidarse (de) to forget***
parecer to seem
parecerse a to resemble,  look like (someone)
perderse (ie) to get (to become) lost
ponerse to put on (clothing)
probarse (ue) to try on (clothing)
quedar(se) to stay, to be****
quitarse to take off (clothing)
secarse to dry (off)
sentarse (ie) to sit down*****
sentirse (ie) to feel*****
subir (a) to go up (to ascend), to climb, to rise, to get on (public transportation)
vestirse (i) to get dressed

*Acordarse is followed by an untranslated de when an object follows: No me acuerdo de la fecha (“I don’t remember the date”).

**Encontrarse combines with the preposition con to mean “to run into” or “to meet accidentally or on purpose.” It does not mean “to meet” in the sense of “to make the acquaintance of.”

***Olvidar may be used with both the reflexive pronoun and the preposition de before an object, or both may be omitted, without changing the meaning: Olvido tu cumpleaños or Me olvido tu cumpleaños are identical in meaning (“I forget your birthday.”)

****Quedar may be used reflexively or not, without generally changing the meaning. Regional considerations make it difficult to be precise.

*****Be careful, as the forms of these two verbs are always similar (and, in the case of the first person singular of the present, identical). Their meaning, however, is always clear in context.


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