

Ionization Energies

Ionization Energy

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Atom Atomic No. IE1 (kJ/mol) IE2 (kJ/mol) IE3 (kJ/mol) IE4 (kJ/mol) IE5 (kJ/mol) IE6 (kJ/mol) IE7 (kJ/mol) IE8 (kJ/mol) IE9 (kJ/mol) IE10 (kJ/mol) IE11 (kJ/mol) IE12 (kJ/mol) IE13 (kJ/mol) IE14 (kJ/mol) IE15 (kJ/mol) IE16 (kJ/mol) IE17 (kJ/mol) IE18 (kJ/mol) IE19 (kJ/mol)
H 1 1311.7
He 2 2371.6 5248.8
Li 3 520.1 7296.1 11811.7
Be 4 899.2 1756.6 14844.3 21000.7
B 5 800.4 2426.5 3658.7 25018.5 32817.3
C 6 1086.8 2351.9 4618.2 6221.0 37820.9 47262.4
N 7 1402.9 2856.4 4575.9 7472.8 9442.3 53252.7 64339.3
O 8 1313.6 3391.1 5300.3 7467.4 10987.1 13322.7 71313.7 84050.3
F 9 1681.0 3375.1 6050.4 8416.4 11020.0 15159.5 17863.2 92008.4
Ne 10 2080.1 3962.7 6175.1 9374.5 12195.7 15236.0
Na 11 495.7 4562.8 6913.2 9540.5 13372.9 16630.2 20111.8 25487.1 28924.4
Mg 12 737.5 1450.2 7730.4 10544.9 13626.6 18029.3 21739.1 25661.0 31637.5 35444.9 169932.9
Al 13 577.4 1816.1 2744.0 11574.4 14836.6 18372.7 23342.7 27510.9 31849.8 38449.4 42636.9 201216.3
Si 14 786.3 1576.6 3228.4 4354.4 16087.0 19790.1 23775.0 29319.0 33946.4 38719.6 45927.0 50481.1
P 15 1011.8 1895.9 2909.6 4954.9 6272.2 21266.7 25405.6 29839.1 35952.4 41050.7 46255.1 54060.7 58996.0
S 16 999.3 2257.8 3377.0 4562.8 6995.2 8493.5 27111.4 31724.4 36563.1 43244.7
Cl 17 1255.3 2296.4 3849.8 5162.0 6541.7 9330.1 11025.4 33605.8 38661.7 43929.8
Ar 18 1520.1 2664.9 3946.3 5768.9 7236.4 8809.1 11964.2 13841.8 40620.3
K 19 418.6 3069.2 4438.3 5876.0 7975 9619.6 11385.3 14955.2 16975.6 48609.3
Ca 20 589.6 1145.3 4941.0 6464.5 8142.4 10496 12350.1 14183.3 18139.2 20386.4 57100.0 63197.9
Sc 21 632.9 1243.7 2388.0 7130.3 8876.7 10719.5 13314 15341.2 17367.4 21757.4 24098.2 66246.8
Ti 22 659.0 1315.1 2715.1 4172.0 9629.2 11578.2 13585.1 18621.7 25665.1 28122.6 76069.0
V 23 650.3 1370.1 2865.6 4631.3 6290.8 12437.0 14569.3 16759.5 29814.0 32447.1 86557.0
Cr 24 652.5 1591.0 2986.2 4785.7 7043.4 8741.6 15543.8 17849.8 20223.3 34252.3 37069.7 97739.6
Mn 25 717.1 1509.0 3250.6 7332.9 11504.9 18911.1 21419.7 23928.4 38980.1 41971.1 109597.7
Fe 26 762.2 1561.1 2956.3 14569.3 22674.1 25279.2 27980.7 34252.3 37629.3 44093.8 47181.3 122150.4
Co 27 758.4 1645.1 3231.3 29428.0 49400.5 52777.5 135368.9
Ni 28 736.5 1751.2 3488.9 33769.9 43900.8 58566.6
Cu 29 745.3 1957.7 3553.6 64741.7
Zn 30 906.1 1732.9 3830.5
Ga 31 578.9 1981.8 2962.1 6194.4 8299 10874 13585
Ge 32 760.3 1537.0 3300.8 4409.4 9011.7 11183 13981
As 33 946.5 1949.0 2730.5 4833.9 6040.0 12301.9 14183
Se 34 940.7 2074.4 3087.5 4139.2 7053.1 7882.9 14955.2
Br 35 1142.4 2084.1 3463.8 18621.7
Kr 36 1350.4 2369.7 3560.3
Rb 37 402.9 2653.3 3859.4 26726.4
Sr 38 549.2 1063.9 0.0 5499.7 31261.3
Y 39 627.2 1196.4 3762.9 7429.4 36085.5
Zr 40 670.6 1353.7 2392.8 3277.6 9552.0
Nb 41 653.2 1350.8 2711.2 3695.4 4824.3 9938.0 12060.7
Mo 42 685.0 1558.2 2617.6 4476.9 5904.9 6561.0 12157.2 14762.3
Tc 43 702.4 1472.4 0.0
Ru 44 710.5 1617.1 2746.0
Rh 45 719.8 1743.5 2995.9
Pd 46 803.7 1873.7 3176.3
Ag 47 730.8 2072.5 3359.6
Cd 48 867.5 1631.0 3615.3
In 49 558.2 1819.7 2704.5 5248.8
Sn 50 708.4 1411.4 2941.8 3928.9 6975.9
Sb 51 833.5 1592.0 2441.1 3193.7 5403.2 10420.4
Te 52 869.3 1794.6 2991.0 3666.4 5789.1 6946.9 13218.5
I 53 1008.7 1841.9 0.0 16402.5
Xe 54 1170.1 2045.5 3097.2
Cs 55 375.6 2421.8 0.0
Ba 56 502.7 964.9 0.0
La 57 538.1 1067.1 1850.3 4819.4
Ce 58 527.4 1046.9 1948.8 3546.6
Pr 59 523.1 1017.9 2086.4 3761.0 5550.8
Nd 60 529.6 1035.3 2132.3 3899.0 5789.1
Pm 61 535.9 1051.7 2151.6 3965.5 5952.2
Sm 62 543.3 1068.1 2257.8 3994.5 6045.8
Eu 63 546.7 1084.6 2404.4 4110.3 6100.8
Gd 64 592.5 1166.5 1990.5 4245.4 6248.4
Tb 65 564.6 1111.5 2114.0 3839.2 6412.4
Dy 66 571.9 1126.0 2199.9 4001.2 5989.8
Ho 67 580.6 1138.5 2203.7 4100.6 6168.3
Er 68 588.7 1151.1 2194.1 4115.1 6281.2
Tm 69 596.7 1162.6 2284.8 4119.0 6312.1
Yb 70 603.4 1175.6 2415.0 4220.3 6327.5
Lu 71 523.5 1341.1 2022.3 4360.2 6444.3
Hf 72 641.6 1437.6 2248.1 3215.9 6595.4
Ta 73 760.3 4657.6
W 74 770.0
Re 75 759.3
Os 76 839.4
Ir 77 868.4
Pt 78 868.4 1790.8
Au 79 889.6 1977.9
Hg 80 1006.3 1809.2 3299.8
Tl 81 589.1 1970.2 2875.3 4891.8
Pb 82 715.4 1450.0 3080.8 4082.3 6638.2
Bi 83 703.1 1609.4 2466.2 4370.8 5403.2 8519.7
Po 84 813.4
Rn 86 1036.8
Fr 87 393.0
Ra 88 509.2 978.7
Ac 89 498.8 1167.5
Th 90 586.6
Pa 91 568.3
U 92 583.7
Np 93 597.2
Pu 94 584.7
Am 95 578.2
Cm 96 580.8
Bk 97 601.1
Cf 98 607.9
Es 99 619.4
Fm 100 627.2
Md 101 634.9
No 102 641.6
Lr 103 478.6
C. E. Moore, Ionization Potentials and Limits Derived from the Analyses of Optical Spectra, NSRDS-NBS 34, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, 1970.
For elements 57-72, values were obtained from Martin, W. C.; Hagan, Lucy; Reader, Joseph; Sugar, Jack J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1974, 3, 771-779.
For elements 59-73, fifth IEs came from Sugar, Jack J. Opt. Soc. Am. 1975, 65, 1366-1367.
For Lr see C&EN, Volume 93 Issue 15 | p. 8 | News of The Week, Issue Date: April 13, 2015 | Web Date: April 9, 2015 Lawrencium Ionization Energy Measured.
*Values for La, Hf, and Lr have been overwritten with more recent data


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Chemistry 109, Fall 2020 Copyright © by John Moore; Jia Zhou; and Etienne Garand is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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