

Elemental Abundance in Solar System

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Atom Atomic No. Abundance* (atoms/106 atoms Si) Log(abund)
H 1 27900000000 10.45
He 2 2720000000 9.43
Li 3 57.1 1.76
Be 4 0.73 -0.14
B 5 21.2 1.33
C 6 10100000 7
N 7 313000 5.5
O 8 23800000 7.38
F 9 843 2.93
Ne 10 3440000 6.54
Na 11 57400 4.76
Mg 12 1074000 6.03
Al 13 84900 4.93
Si 14 1000000 6
P 15 10400 4.02
S 16 515000 5.71
Cl 17 5240 3.72
Ar 18 101000 5
K 19 3770 3.58
Ca 20 61100 4.79
Sc 21 34.2 1.53
Ti 22 2400 3.38
V 23 293 2.47
Cr 24 13500 4.13
Mn 25 9550 3.98
Fe 26 900000 5.95
Co 27 2250 3.35
Ni 28 49300 4.69
Cu 29 522 2.72
Zn 30 1260 3.1
Ga 31 37.8 1.58
Ge 32 119 2.08
As 33 6.56 0.82
Se 34 62.1 1.79
Br 35 11.8 1.07
Kr 36 45 1.65
Rb 37 7.09 0.85
Sr 38 23.5 1.37
Y 39 4.64 0.67
Zr 40 11.4 1.06
Nb 41 0.698 -0.16
Mo 42 2.55 0.41
Tc 43
Ru 44 1.86 0.27
Rh 45 0.344 -0.46
Pd 46 1.39 0.14
Ag 47 0.486 -0.31
Cd 48 1.61 0.21
In 49 0.184 -0.74
Sn 50 3.82 0.58
Sb 51 0.309 -0.51
Te 52 4.81 0.68
I 53 0.9 -0.05
Xe 54 4.7 0.67
Cs 55 0.372 -0.43
Ba 56 4.49 0.65
La 57 0.446 -0.35
Ce 58 1.136 0.06
Pr 59 0.1669 -0.78
Nd 60 0.8279 -0.08
Pm 61
Sm 62 0.2282 -0.64
Eu 63 0.0973 -1.01
Gd 64 0.33 -0.48
Tb 65 0.0603 -1.22
Dy 66 0.3942 -0.4
Ho 67 0.0889 -1.05
Er 68 0.2508 -0.6
Tm 69 0.0378 -1.42
Yb 70 0.2479 -0.61
Lu 71 0.0367 -1.44
Hf 72 0.154 -0.81
Ta 73 0.0207 -1.68
W 74 0.133 -0.88
Re 75 0.0517 -1.29
Os 76 0.675 -0.17
Ir 77 0.661 -0.18
Pt 78 1.34 0.13
Au 79 0.187 -0.73
Hg 80 0.34 -0.47
Tl 81 0.184 -0.74
Pb 82 3.15 0.5
Bi 83 0.144 -0.84
Po 84
At 85
Rn 86
Fr 87
Ra 88
Ac 89
Th 90 0.0335 -1.47
Pa 91
U 92 0.009 -2.05
Np 93
Pu 94
Am 95
Cm 96
Bk 97
Cf 98
Es 99
Fm 100
Md 101
No 102
Lr 103
*Anders, Edward; Grevesse; Nicolas, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 1989, 53, 197-214.


Elemental Abundance in Earth Crust

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Atom Atomic No. Abundance*
H 1 6.2
He 2 0
Li 3 4.1
Be 4 3.2
B 5 4
C 6 6.7
N 7 4.3
O 8 8.67
F 9 5.8
Ne 10 0
Na 11 7.36
Mg 12 7.51
Al 13 7.92
Si 14 8.43
P 15 6
S 16 5.8
Cl 17 5.3
Ar 18 1
K 19 6.96
Ca 20 7.72
Sc 21 4.5
Ti 22 6.7
V 23 5.4
Cr 24 5.3
Mn 25 6.1
Fe 26 7.84
Co 27 4.5
Ni 28 5
Cu 29 4.9
Zn 30 4.9
Ga 31 4.3
Ge 32 3.2
As 33 3.4
Se 34 1.7
Br 35 3.4
Kr 36 -1
Rb 37 4.5
Sr 38 5.4
Y 39 4.3
Zr 40 5
Nb 41 4
Mo 42 3
Tc 43
Ru 44 0
Rh 45 -1
Pd 46 0
Ag 47 1.9
Cd 48 2
In 49 1.7
Sn 50 3.4
Sb 51 2.3
Te 52 -1
I 53 2.7
Xe 54 -2
Cs 55 3
Ba 56 5.4
La 57 4.2
Ce 58 4.5
Pr 59 3.6
Nd 60 4.2
Pm 61
Sm 62 3.5
Eu 63 3
Gd 64 3.5
Tb 65 2.8
Dy 66 3.6
Ho 67 2.9
Er 68 3.3
Tm 69 2.5
Yb 70 3.3
Lu 71 2.5
Hf 72 3.5
Ta 73 3
W 74 3
Re 75 -0.3
Os 76 -1
Ir 77 -1
Pt 78 0
Au 79 0.5
Hg 80 2
Tl 81 2.6
Pb 82 3.9
Bi 83 -1
Po 84
At 85
Rn 86
Fr 87
Ra 88 -4
Ac 89
Th 90 3.6
Pa 91 -5
U 92 3
Np 93
Pu 94
Am 95
Cm 96
Bk 97
Cf 98
Es 99
Fm 100
Md 101
No 102
Lr 103
*log(mass fraction in ppb, that is μg/kg)


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