
Part 2: Fall 2015 Labs

26 Flipped Learning Tool-a-palooza with Lauren Rosen — 10.30.2015

Lauren-RosenIn the Active Teaching Lab on October 30, 2015, Lauren Rosen from UW System shared how she capitalized on available technologies to differentiate learning for students and gain time to focus on higher order thinking skills, and also shared strategies for engaging students in flipped environments.

Key Takeaways

  • Flipped is NOT doing homework in class and doing the lecture and reading outside the class – it’s about starting with lower order thinking skills, for example, learning concepts with self-quizzing (Bloom: knowledge, comprehension, application) and building on them in the classroom with the use of higher order skills
    • Students rated the out-of-class videos highly, and importantly for learning, they liked the option to rewind and listen again.
  • When videos are used for out-of-class work, these may be instructor lectures but may also include student-created videos.
  • Flipped learning can help/allow students to take ownership of their learning.
  • A homework checklist that lists everything to do before class in sequenced order helps keep students focused and on track. (See Teaching Undergraduates Science Chp. 2 for more on creating effective homework and checklists.)
  • Do you tell students how much time various assignments may take? Is this micromanaging, or is it useful for your students?
  • Concept checks allow teachers to focus in-class time and effort on review of ONLY the concepts that students are struggling with, rather than doing an overall review of all concepts.

If you’re interested in learning more to get up and running with flipped learning, watch the videos below and check out the tools and activities on the worksheet we created for the session!

The Active Teaching Lab, a Faculty Engagement program, provides a safe space for structured explorations of cool teaching tools and techniques that your colleagues are using to engage students and teach more effectively. During the academic year, labs are held weekly and will be listed on the Active Teaching Lab page.

Lauren’s Flipped Learning Story


Concept Check: What do you already know about Flipping Lessons?

Technologies to Create Lessons

Sample Flipped Lesson “Lectures”:

Additional Resources and Guidance


Active Teaching Lab eJournal Copyright © 2016 by DoIT Academic Technology and the UW-Madison Teaching Academy; Jennifer Hornbaker; John Martin; Julie Johnson; Karin Spader; Margaret Merrill; Margaret Murphy; and Jeffrey Thomas. All Rights Reserved.