Misc Assignments
Assignment: Du Bartas, The First Week or the Birth of the World, translation by Joshuah Sylvester (1605)
Listen to the Professor’s commentary (on the right) and read the following fragment of the Divine Week by Du Bartas and click on the successive fragments that are highlighted in yellow and green:
THEAR’S under Sunne (as Delphos God did show)
No better Knowledge then Our selfe do Know:
Ther is no Theame more plentifull to scanne,
The is the glorious goodly frame of Man:
For in Man’s self is Fire, Aire, Earth, and Sea,
Man’s (in a word) the World’s Epitome,
Or little Map, which heere my Muse doth trie
By the grand Patterne to exemplifie.
Listen to the Professor’s commentary: