
Kinyarwanda Learning Resources


Online resources

“Kinyarwanda Lessons” PDF by Betty Ellen Cox and Gakuba Faustin – includes a lot of basic information and simple lessons about common phrases, grammar components, tenses, modifiers, and more! (Note: I went through some parts of this with my mentor and we noticed some misspellings/typos, so double check what you find in here)

University of Indiana’s recording archive for Kinyarwanda – Includes archived audio materials: literature (plays) and music. Helpful for getting accustomed to the sounds and rhythms of Kinyarwanda. Can be used for listening exercises for those with better comprehension.

Omniglot – an open-source webpage including pronunciation guides, sample text, video, and helpful links about Kinyarwanda (recommended by the University of Indiana)

Peace Corps Trainee Kinyarwanda book PDF – a very thorough source for learning the basics and everyday Kinyarwanda skills. It is tailored for health volunteers.

Video lessons

Theoisback Youtube channel – many helpful videos to teach Kinyarwanda with spelling and phonetic pronunciations from a native speaker. Also has videos about cultural norms, travel tips, dancing, and much more!

Learn Kinyarwanda Youtube channel – Numbered lessons for learning Kinyarwanda. He gives written spelling on screen but not phonetic spelling so it’s better for practicing aloud than taking notes.


“Le kinyarwanda : initiation à une langue bantu” by Shimamungu, E. M – Available at Memorial library but in French

“Kinyarwanda language : the Kinyarwanda phrasebook and dictionary” by Yves Bemeriki – I requested to loan from UW Oshkosh


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Resources for Self-Instructional Learners of Less Commonly Taught Languages Copyright © by University of Wisconsin-Madison Students in African 671 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.