Wolof – Gambian (EC)
Daily Routine Gapped Text
Use this sentence for context to complete the gapped text assignment. Note that you will not need the entire sentence.
Dema dey yew bes bu nekka juroom nyarri wahktu si suba, naan café, ak hol suma messag si jawagi bala ma dem legay. –> I usually wake up at 7am, make coffee and check my emails before leaving for work.
Fill in the gaps with times and food learned in previous Pressbook pages. Highlight the blank spaces to see the answers. Scroll to the bottom to the translation word box for help.
- Dema dey yew bes bu nekka juroom nyarri wahktu. –> I usually wake up at 7 am.
- Si suba naan café. –> In the morning I drink coffee.
- Dema dey yew bes bu nekka juroom nyetah wahktu. –> I usually wake up at 8 am.
- Si suba naan mew. –> In the morning I drink milk.
- Dema dey yew bes bu nekka juroom nyenent wahktu. –> I usually wake up at 9 am.
- Si suba lekka kooni. –> In the morning I eat fruit.
- Fann bu mujay, dema dey yew bes bu nekka fukka ak beena wahktu. –> On weekends, I usually wake up at 11 am.
- Si suba lekka findi. –> In the morning I eat cereal.
Translation Text Box
7 | juroom nyarri |
8 | juroom nyetah |
9 | juroom nyenent |
11 | fukka ak beena |
coffee | café |
milk | mew |
fruit | kooni |
cereal | findi |