Days, Months, and Seasons
The Ethiopian calendar is unique as it holds 13 months in a year and does not follow the Gregorian calendar (what most countries use). For this reason, common holidays, like Christmas and New Years are held on different days other than the 25th and 1st. Additionally, the Ethiopian calendar is about 7-8 years behind the Gregorian calendar.
Months of the Year: The new year begins on September 11. The current date in Ethiopia is November 24, 2013. Here’s a date convertor:
September = Meskerem
October = Tikimt
November = Hidar
December = Tahisas
January = Tir
February = Yekateet
March = Megabeet
April = Meeyaziya
May = Ginbot
June = Senie
July = Hamlae
August = Nehasie
September 6 – 10 (month 13) = Puagme
What is the date today?
Zarie sint ken new?
Today is December 3, 2020.
Zarie Tahisas soste, haya haya new.
Today is December 3, twenty twenty
Zarie Tahisas soste, hulet sheeh haya.
Today is December 3, two thousand twenty
Days of the Week
Monday = Segno
Tuesday = Maksegno
Wednesday = Rabu
Thursday = Hamus
Friday = Arb
Saturday = Kdamae
Sunday = Ihud
What day is today?
Zare Iletu manew?
Today is Thursday.
Zare Hamuse new.
Seasons: Because the Climate in Ethiopia is significantly different from ours, Ethiopian seasons have different weather meanings than American/European seasons.
Spring = Suhday, the driest season with the hottest temperatures
Summer = Krempt, the rainy season with the coolest temperatures
Autumn = Belg, resembles the American/European spring season
Winter = Bega, the beginning of the dry season, has a combination of cool and warm temperature