Household Items
Since so many of us are quarantined in our homes during this COVID-19 season, it seemed appropriate to make a vocabulary list of the everyday items that we use in our households.
I’m in the kitchen: Watt bett negn
English Amharic
glass burchako
cup sinnee
dishes suhan
fork shuka
spoon mahnkia
knife beela
pot disit
fridge fridge
stove midija
coffee/tea brewer jebena
I’m in the dining room: Megegbate negn
table tehrehbayza
chair wuhnbir
table cloth tehrehbayza libs
I’m in the living room: Ingedabate negn
sofa sofa
television television
coffee table yeh ingedehbate tehrehbayza
table lamp yeh tehrehbayza mebrat
picture frame yeh foto frame
rug/carpet mintahf
small rug tinnish mintahf
large rug tillik mintahf
I’m in the bedroom: Mengta bate
bed allga
sheets ansola
closet komaysahtin (translates to standing box)
dresser comodino
I’m in the bathroom: Mehtatbiya bate or Shint bate (very informal)
sink yehfeet mehtatbiya
toilet yeshintibate mehkehmecha (urine seat, almost too informal)
toothbrush tursbroosh
shower shower