
Bahasa Malaysia

Internet Learning Activies

Virtual Learning Activities
*A really short list

In the realm of learning (particularly learning languages) there are a few options for virtual activities and if you’re like me who travels a lot these could be a lighter alternative than flashcards and textbooks then these may be good for you! Granted this list is short but there are many ways to add and shift the projects to your own learning needs.

  1. Virtual flashcards.
    I might have misled you slightly in the introduction because, in fact, I do use flashcards, just virtual ones.  Making your own flashcards are especially helpful because you can specify your desired vocabulary. I would personally take a bunch of vocabulary that you have learned from either your mentor, a learning resource or text book that matches a theme you want learn for each week.
    I suggest then doing two things, one looking up the word on the internet and trying to see if you can find a picture of the word, newspaper articles, music anything that provides the word a little more context. Then look up the word in Glosbe which is a virtual dual dictionary. This reasources is excellent as far as virtual dictionaries because it tries to provide examples of the word in use. Once you feel like you have a solid understanding of the word’s definition, use Quizlet to create your list. I usually stick to 12 per day to keep it simple though it depends on your level. For the Quizlet, also try to speak the words out loud or in a sentence as you a learning them not just passively looking at each one and memorizing it. Once you feel comfortable with your new words there are multitudes of ways you can integrate other learning methods to cement them like writing out sentences, using them in conversation or other such interactive methods.

    – https://quizlet.com/
    – https://glosbe.com/

  2. Song Break Down.
    This excercise really focuses on listening and contextualizing words. Take a song, I recommend a children’s song or a simple repeative song, and with out looking at any lyrics, listen through it a couple of times and try to pick out some of the words or meanings inside the song- maybe even trying to write down a few of them seeing how much understanding you can glean from the song as a whole. Then listen to the song while watching the lyrics and attempt comphrension. Also during this time compare the lyrics to some of the words and phrases you jotted down and see how you did. For sentences that you struggle to understand only one or two words, try seeing if you can make an educated guess based of the context of the other words, then if you feel confident try writing in a sentence or two and then look it up in Glosbe and check your prediciton.

    – Aries Music Kids Channel.
    Youtube, 16 March 2015, https://www.youtube.com/c/AriesMusicKidsChannel/featured.
    – https://glosbe.com/

    These are currently the only virtual activities I have for now but I hope you add to this page in the future and I hope in the meantimes these activities will be somewhat helpful for your daily life! Keep up the great Bahasa work!


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Resources for Self-Instructional Learners of Less Commonly Taught Languages Copyright © by University of Wisconsin-Madison Students in African 671 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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