Intro to Adjectives
Adjectives add color, detail, and dimension to conversations. They can be used to describe, make an opinion more vivid, or enhance your language. Swahili adjectives, like everything else, need to agree to the noun class of the noun they are modifying.
Below are two types of adjectives:
Confused/confusing -a kuchanganyikiwa/ -a kuchanganyisha
Amused/amusing -a kufurahi/ -a kufurahisha
Shocked/shocking -a kushtua/-a kushtua
Bored/boring -a kuudhi/-a kuudhisha
Amazing -a kushangaza
Embarrassing -a kuaibisha
Annoyed/annoying -a kukasirika/-a kukasirisha
Sufficient -a kutosha
Disappointing -enye kuvunja moyo
Identical/similar -enye kufanana
Interesting -enye kufurahisha
Responsible -enye jukumu
Respectful -enye heshima
Respectable -enye kuheshimika
Grateful -enye shukurani
Disciplined -enye nidhamu
Extravagant -enye kuvuja mali
Comfortable -enye starehe
Attractive -enye kuvutia
Happy -enye furaha
Hungry -enye njaa
Thirsty -enye kiu
Angry -enye hasira
Ugly -enye sura mbaya
Healthy -enye afya nzuri
Busy -enye shughuli nyingi
Shy -enye haya
Wise -enye hekima
Mature -enye kukomaa
Humble -enye kunyenyekea
Timid -enye uoga
Attractive -enye kuvutia
Loose -enye kuregea
Able -enye uwezo
Muddy -enye matope
Lucky -enye bahati nzuri
Two examples sentences:
Mtihani ulikuwa wa kuchanganyisha kwa hivyo wanafunzi wengi walifanya vibaya.
Uchaguzi wa hivi karibuni ulikuwa wenye kuvunja moyo kwa chama pinzani.