Wolof – Gambian (EC)
Lesson of Choice
Using the “How to check if someone is okay” section in the Greetings & Introductions tab found on Mofeko’s Gambian Wolof Language website, listen to the following phrases & write down their responses based on the context given.
You are about to enter your friend’s home and their parent answers the door. How do you ask them how they are after saying hello? Practice saying this response out loud after listening to the available audio. Highlight the space after the bullet point to reveal the answer.
- Naka nga deff?
Now that you’ve greeted the parents your friend comes downstairs and you both hug each other. How do you ask them how they are? Practice saying this response out loud after listening to the available audio. Highlight the space after the bullet point to reveal the answer.
- Nakam?
You have just come back from the pharmacy and your roommate wants to know if this second round of medication has been working. You tell them it has, slowly but surely. How do you respond when they ask how you’re feeling? Practice saying this response out loud after listening to the available audio. Highlight the space after the bullet point to reveal the answer.
- Mangi taneh rek
Your tutor can tell you are not as engaged as usual and that you seem tired. You turned in the class assignment at 4 a.m., way past your usual bedtime. The tutor asks “Fanaan nga ak jaama?”. How do you respond? Practice saying this response out loud after listening to the available audio. Highlight the space after the bullet point to reveal the answer
- Nelawuma bou bahh
You are hanging out with your friend around noon and your stomach starts to rumble. You suggest going to a nearby restaurant. Your friend asks you “Yangsi jaama?” To let your friend know why you want to leave, what do you tell them? Practice saying this response out loud after listening to the available audio. Highlight the space after the bullet point to reveal the answer
- Mangi heef
Watch the video embedded in the My-Gambia website and answer the following questions.
Common Responses:
What percentage of Gambia is Muslim? Due to this percentage, what is a common greeting used there and what does it mean? What is the response? Highlight the space after the bullet point to reveal the answer
- 95%, As-Salaam-Alaikum, “May the peace of Allah be upon you”, Wa-Alaikum-Salaam.
Pause the written script at 1:14. When you want to know how someone’s family is doing, what would you ask? What are the two possible responses they could give you?
- Nyung fih or Nyung fah
Pause the written script at 2:31. What are two ways you can ask a friend of yours how they are doing casually?
- Yang si jama?